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Telehealth Resources: Patient Engagement


Displaying 53 records:

Leveraging Telehealth for Use in Tobacco and Nicotine Cessation (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Recent studies have indicated that telehealth can serve as a critical tool in providing nicotine and tobacco-use cessation counseling. However, organizations often struggle to promote, market and provide these resources in an efficient manner. Fortunately, there are frameworks, research and protocols available that can help us to leverage and promote our telehealth resources while maximally supporting our patients and taking full advantage of staff resources.  More Details...

E-Consult Trends Across Medicaid Programs and Impact on FQHCs (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NACHC and the Center for Connected Health Policy examine the current state of eConsult Medicaid policies in relation to FQHCs. This paper looks at a sampling of states to examine trends in eConsult policies that allow, exclude or do not specify the policy specific to FQHCs, resulting in reimbursement and telehealth operational implications for health center. More Details...

Emergency Preparedness in School-Based Telehealth (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Emergency Preparedness in School-Based Telehealth webinar was designed for health center and health center look-alike staff. The webinar aims to increase the audience's knowledge of and capacity to define how health centers can partner effectively with schools to implement telehealth care, identify how to provide students with care through telehealth, and reduce barriers to telehealth services. More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Crossing The Chasm of Innovation - One FQHC's Journey to Operationalize its Telehealth Strategy: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this HITEQ Highlights webinar, we focused on the intersection of telehealth strategy and operations. One health center\'s experience of leveraging telehealth as a tool for expanding service delivery and patient access will be a jumping off point from which to consider the benefits (and challenges) of dedicated telehealth resources within an organization. Participants learned how telehealth might benefit recruitment efforts and review relevant resources for ongoing telehealth support. More Details...

Designing Space for Hybrid Care Models (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: For health centers planning a capital project, this publication, developed with support from HRSA, provides insight into designing facilities to accommodate both in-person and virtual care efficiently and strategically, considering staff and patient needs and preferences. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Three (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: Integrating behavioral health services into primary care requires effective financial planning and re-conceptualization of determining ROI. Session 3 of 4 focuses on enhanced billing practices tailored to integrated healthcare models and on determining the contribution of integrated BH to the finances of the primary care setting or the health system as a whole. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Two (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: Session two focused on enhancing understanding of integrated care models and aspects of gaining leadership support for successful implementation. Leadership endorsement is critical for the successful implementation of integrated care methods. Participants engaged in discussions centered around strategies to gain leadership buy-in. Case analyses and group exercises empowered attendees to identify key motivators for leaders and tailor their approach to effectively communicate the benefits of integrated care, thereby securing the necessary support. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part One (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Integrated healthcare is a unique way to detect and address the broad spectrum of psychological, biological, and social needs among primary care patients. In part one of this learning collaborative, participants explored different levels of engagement and examined this framework of collaboration and the different levels of integration; we also learned about key strategies for successfully implementing integrated health care in your healthcare setting. Participants were introduced to the framework for patient and family engagement and reviewed an organizational assessment to gauge where action can be taken. More Details...

Enhancing Healthcare Access for Special Populations Through Telehealth and Home Visitation Services: Part Two (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Hosted by the National Nurse-led Care Consortium and the National Center for Health in Public Housing, this 2-part webinar series discussed promising practices in home visitation and telehealth as ways to support improved access to comprehensive primary care for communities with high levels of disability and isolation, lack of adequate transportation, and other social drivers of health that contribute to health inequities, particularly residents of public housing. More Details...

Enhancing Healthcare Access for Special Populations Through Telehealth and Home Visitation Services: Part One (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: The first session took place on November 7. We examined how home visitation can be integrated into the provider panel to expand access for aging and disabled patients residing in public housing. More Details...

Using Telehealth to Connect With Older Patients: Considerations for Health Centers (2023). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This publication will offer guidance for providers and staff on best practices for conducting agefriendly virtual healthcare visits with the older patients in their communities More Details...

Accessing Your Health Center's Digital Health Tools: HITEQ Team Tool Kit (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Digital patient engagement investments is a broad category that includes all digital health tools your health center uses to reach and support patients. These include patient portals, messaging and outreach apps, remote patient monitoring tools, and mHealth apps. Despite the hopes and promises of new technologies, implementation of digital tools in health centers can be uneven and siloed, hindering progress on adoption, engagement, and transformation. More Details...

BPHCurates: Child and Adolescent Health and Social Resources: Targeted Resources on Food Insecurity, Behavioral Health, Oral Health, Staffing Shortages, and Telehealth to Support Child and Adolescent Health (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This resource packet provides health centers with resources to develop processes for improving service delivery and outcomes for children and adolescents, specifically related to telehealth, food insecurity, mental and behavioral health, oral health, and staffing shortages and retention. In addition, links to general child and adolescent health center technical resources are provided. More Details...

The HITEQ Center Podcast: Sharing Virtual Care Success Stories and Lessons Learned in 2022 and 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: HITEQ is highlighting stories of leveraging the EHR, health IT, digital health tools, and other virtual care supports for health center recovery and stabilization during the COVID-19 pandemic and thereafter in this series of podcasts. We are lifting up stories that demonstrate the promise of digital and health IT tools to address the timely needs of health centers and their patients, emphasizing those that support high value, equitable care for all health center patients and that reduce provider burden. More Details...

Promoting Cybersecurity Awareness for Patients: Protecting yourself when using patient portals, health apps, and online medical devices, June 2023. (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This training guide provides patients with knowledge and awareness about cybersecurity threats to protect their personal health data and to minimize risks from computer viruses and malware. More Details...

Assessing Provider Capabilities, Attitudes, and Preferences about Telehealth: HITEQ Center Question Bank, April 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: As health centers are charting their path forward with telehealth after the public health emergency ends, it will be critical to have methods in place to comprehensively assess the current experiences, capabilities, attitudes, and preferences of providers. Telehealth program improvements should be grounded in a real understanding of these factors to ensure readiness of all providers. More Details...

School-Based Telehealth Playbook (2021). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit guides health centers through the design, implementation, and operation of a telehealth program that meets the needs of children and adolescents. This playbook includes essential components for school-based telehealth start-up, key considerations from health centers across the country, and amendable resources for every planning stage. While this playbook speaks to health centers, the resources, guides, and tips are useful for most health systems. More Details...

Technology Strategies to Improve Pediatric Immunization: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The importance of effective pediatric immunization strategies cannot be overstated at this moment in public health. Given all the potential barriers to access, how can technology support primary care in improving systems for effective vaccine uptake? Participants heard from Dr. Melissa Stockwell, whose research includes translational health IT interventions to promote vaccination as well as the use of large-scale, patient-centered communication technologies, like text messaging, for surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases and adverse events. More Details...

Technology Strategies to Improve Pediatric Immunization: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The importance of effective pediatric immunization strategies cannot be overstated at this moment in public health. Given all the potential barriers to access, how can technology support primary care in improving systems for effective vaccine uptake? Participants heared from Dr. Melissa Stockwell, whose research includes translational health IT interventions to promote vaccination as well as the use of large-scale, patient-centered communication technologies, like text messaging, for surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases and adverse events. More Details...

Using Teledentistry to Improve Prenatal Care (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication describes how the University of California, Irvine Family Health Center provides synchronous teledentistry services to pregnant patients. More Details...

Guide for Patient Self-Management of Chronic Illness through “Tele-education” (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This Guide for Patient Self-Management of Chronic Illness highlights one way of providing “tele-education” to patients using WhatsApp®, a virtual messaging application that allows video and voice calls, text messages, and so much more all through a wireless internet connection. More Details...

Teledentistry Video Example (2022). Resource Type: Other. Description: This video depicts a condensed live, synchronous teledentistry visit utilizing the six steps of an infant oral care visit. More Details...

Community Health Worker/Peer Workforce: Recruiting and Hiring for Social Determinants of Health Screening: Best Practices Guide and Findings from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices Guide and Findings (Role of CHW) from the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers emphasizing lived experience in their hiring and responsibilities for CHW and Peer positions, can achieve multiple benefits of maximizing meaningful engagement with target populations and empower the voices of people with lived experience in the health center environment, while supporting employment and economic opportunity in often hard to employ communities. More Details...

Telehealth Perspectives (2020). Resource Type: Micro-Learning. Description: Telehealth has created new opportunities for patients and clients to connect with providers in a way they prefer, enabling access to care when and where is it needed most, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. This short video shows a variety of ways telehealth can continue to be a vital part of our healthcare system as we move forward. More Details...

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Toolkit (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit provides six steps to help your organization implement remote patient monitoring (RPM). More Details...

How to Measure Patient Experience and Satisfaction with Telehealth (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Why should you use patient experience and satisfaction surveys for telehealth visits? It’ll inform quality improvement efforts at your health center, benefitting both patients and providers in several ways. More Details...

Fundamentals of Comprehensive Care (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us as we discuss the core concepts of team-based care and introduce elements of team-based care that builds upon these basics to support your teams in advancing their capability to provide satisfying and effective care to complex patient populations. We are joined by Margaret Flinter, Senior Vice President/Clinical Director for Community Health Center, Inc., and both Thomas Bodenheimer, MD, Physician and Founding Director, and Rachel Willard Grace, Director, from the Center for Excellence in Primary Care. More Details...

Tips for Telehealth Communication (2021). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: A tip and strategies sheet developed to help healthcare providers improve communication with patients during telehealth encounters. More Details...

Teledentistry User's Guide (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Teledentistry is an emerging trend to  help improve access to oral health care, improve the dental care  delivery system, and lower costs. NNOHA has worked with health centers  since Spring 2020 to develop and test a variety of strategies to deliver  dental services via synchronous teledentistry. This User’s Guide gives  an overview of teledentistry, describes its use in health center dental  programs, and includes practical tools for implementing teledentistry. More Details...

Community Health Centers Telehealth Promising Practices: Case Studies from the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This collection of case studies highlights ten community health centers' promising practices and lessons learned in adoption or expansion of telehealth delivery in response to the covid-19 pandemic. More Details...

Food Insecurity: The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The fourth webinar in the Weitzman Institute's Path Forward "The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health" fall series focusing on addressing food insecurity as an important public health issue. The content expert for the webinar is Sarah Carroll; Director of the Center for Care Transformation at AVIA. The following organizations served as panelists for the webinar: Jacob Luria, Co-Founder and CEO, Algorex Health; Catherine Macpherson, Vice President Product Strategy & Development, Chief Nutrition Officer, Moms Meals; and Laura Robbins, Co-Founder and COO, Advocatia Solutions. More Details...

Isolation & Loneliness: The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The third webinar in the Weitzman Institute\'s Path Forward \"The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health\" fall series focusing on addressing isolation and loneliness as an important public health issue. The content expert for the webinar is Gretchen Alkema, PhD; Vice President of Policy and Communications, The SCAN Foundation. Presenters for the webinar includes: Andrew Parker, Founder & CEO of Papa; Cindy Jordan, Founder & CEO & Christina Myren; Chief Operating Officer of Pyx Health; and Ashwin Patel, Co-Founder & CEO of InquisitHealth. More Details...

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) & Diabetes Prevention Programs Among Public Housing Residents: Infographic (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This infographic provides examples of the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) contributing to the prevalence of diabetes among public housing residents with corresponding examples of diabetes prevention promising practices provided by Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) grantees. More Details...

The Path Forward: Re-Imagining Primary Care During and Beyond the Pandemic (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: As the nation struggles with the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism, the moment is upon us to deeply examine and reshape the primary care delivery system for underserved communities. In this webinar, leadership of the Community Health Center, Inc. and its Weitzman Institute will lay out a road map for the new Path Forward. We invite health center and safety net providers, staff, consumer leaders and others to join the conversation and contribute their expertise, perspective and ideas. More Details...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Resources and Information: Spanish and English (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: We at Migrant Clinicians Network have a priority to support both clinicians and the vulnerable patients they serve. MCN continually develops strategies and resources to support health centers, health departments, community groups, and clinicians as they reach out to communities that are often overlooked and give care to patients who might otherwise have nowhere to go. We remain highly concerned for the vulnerable populations that already encounter numerous barriers to health and to care. More Details...

Bridging Patient Access: Best Practices for Community Health Workers (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As telehealth services continue to bridge patient access to health services, it is important for health centers to focus on best practices that ensure excellent delivery of care. Thisguideincludeshelpful information about telehealth service delivery, tips for providing good virtual care, and how Community Health Workers(CHWs)can engage in telehealth. More Details...

Promising Practices in Virtual Integrated Behavioral Health Care: Lessons from Community Health Centers during COVID-19; February 2021 (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: With the rapid shift to telehealth services propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, many community health centers had to rapidly transition to a mechanism of care delivery previously unknown and unfamiliar. Within a matter of days and weeks, health centers creatively found ways to transform workflows and approaches to care delivery to continue to provide care even if the patient was physically distant. This resource highlights promising practices in virtual integrated behavioral health care identified from community health centers. More Details...

Telehealth Resource Library: Curated telehealth resources for health centers (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: HITEQ is actively compiling a telehealth resource library for health centers, which houses actionable telehealth resources in the areas of telehealth technology, patient use of telehealth, provider use of telehealth, tele-behavioral health, and operationalizing telehealth more generally. This curated set of resources aims to assist health centers in accessing those resources that directly address current telehealth needs and challenges. More Details...

Strategies for Increasing HIV Screening Rates at Your Health Center (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers are always searching for innovative strategies to increase their HIV screening rates. This year, health centers have gotten creative by combining HIV testing with COVID-19 screening, while others are mailing at-home HIV testing kits to patients. Finding strategies to help increase HIV screening at your health center is a lesson in trial and error. We hope our latest blog will give you some ideas on improving your HIV screening rates! More Details...

Telehealth for Supportive Housing Providers - CSH Three Part Telehealth Series: Guidance for Providers looking to adapt and are considering Billing for themselves (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: In the COVID19 environment technology can be used as a complement to face-to-face services, and also as a service on its own. Technology options can be especially useful for people with depression or suffering from distress, and when there are difficulties in physically meeting with tenants. More Details...

Telehealth Basics for Supportive Housing Providers and their Health Center Partners - CSH Three Part Telehealth Series: Guidance for Providers Looking to Support Residents Getting Connected to Telehealth (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The public health emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic has required the health care sector including Community Health Centers and supportive housing providers to work in new ways to support their service participants (i.e. health center patients who are also supportive housing tenants). This brief considers the basics regarding telehealth for collaborations between health centers and the supportive housing field to consider as they adapt to provide services in a manner that protects both the client and staff. More Details...

Supporting Tenants During COVID-19 Using Technology Based Strategies - CSH Three Part Telehealth Series: Tips for Using Technology to Support Tenants in Supportive Housing Tenants (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: In Telehealth, the Technology can be used as a complement to face-to-face services, and also as a service on its own. Technology options can be especially useful for people with depression or suffering from distress, and when there are difficulties in physically meeting with tenants. This guide highlights the steps recommended for establishing your telehealth technology, connecting with residents and compliance with requirements such a HIPAA. More Details...

Serving Rural Patients with Telehealth: Resources and Tips for Federally Qualified Health Centers: A HITEQ telehealth publication (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: With the challenges of provider shortages and lack of accessible facilities, telehealth presents an opportunity for health centers serving rural areas to expand health services, integrate primary care with subspecialty services, and improve care management.6 Telehealth provision in rural communities is particularly important and in-demand during the COVID-19 pandemic as many health centers have had to quickly transition to providing remote services. While telehealth has the potential to improve healthcare provision and access, many rural areas lack the reliable broadband connection and devices necessary for high-quality telehealth provision. More Details...

EnVision Centers, Jobs Plus and Health Centers Interactive Map (2020). Resource Type: Interactive Map. Description: NCHPH recently launched a new interactive map. This map shows the location of Health Centers, Envision Centers and Jobs Plus sites. EnVision Centers are centralized hubs that provide people living in public housing with resources and support needed to excel. Jobs Plus Sites. The place-based Jobs Plus Initiative program addresses poverty among public housing residents by incentivizing and enabling employment. Health Centers interested in partnering with near Envision Centers and Jobs Plus sites, visit this NCHPH resource and hover over the organization you want to partner with. Contact information will then be displayed in the information box. More Details...

Building the Plane While Flying It: Health Care for the Homeless, Telehealth and COVID-19, Part II (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This Coffee Chat is the second of our series highlighting representatives from three HCH health centers featured in the Council’s recent publication on telehealth. The conversation shared information on how to engage clients through telehealth to enhance the experience and how to develop low-literacy messaging. Presenters discussed how to engage clients with limited or no access to internet or broadband services and establishing “technology hubs” can address these challenges. More Details...

Ending the HIV Epidemic Collaborative: Next Gen (2020). Resource Type: Learning Collaborative. Description: Peer to peer sharing. If you are a Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) funded health center that struggles with clinical decision support, tracking HIV prevention and treatment outcomes, your peers can share innovative ideas and strategies to help you find solutions. Relationship building. This is a unique opportunity for PCHP health centers to get together to share ideas around HIV screening and prevention. The EHE Collaborative is an opportunity to build relationships with other PCHPs. Improved technical assistance and training. Your participation in this roundtable helps HITEQ tailor our training and technical assistance services to serve you better. More Details...

Ending the HIV Epidemic Collaborative: Greenway (2020). Resource Type: Collaborative. Description: Peer to peer sharing. If you are a Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) funded health center that struggles with clinical decision support, tracking HIV prevention and treatment outcomes, your peers can share innovative ideas and strategies to help you find solutions. Relationship building. This is a unique opportunity for PCHP health centers to get together to share ideas around HIV screening and prevention. The EHE Collaborative is an opportunity to build relationships with other PCHPs. Improved technical assistance and training. Your participation in this roundtable helps HITEQ tailor our training and technical assistance services to serve you better. More Details...

Ending the HIV Epidemic Collaborative: E-Clinical Works (2020). Resource Type: Collaborative. Description: Peer to peer sharing. If you are a Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) funded health center that struggles with clinical decision support, tracking HIV prevention and treatment outcomes, your peers can share innovative ideas and strategies to help you find solutions. Relationship building. This is a unique opportunity for PCHP health centers to get together to share ideas around HIV screening and prevention. The EHE Collaborative is an opportunity to build relationships with other PCHPs. Improved technical assistance and training. Your participation in this roundtable helps HITEQ tailor our training and technical assistance services to serve you better. More Details...

Ending the HIV Epidemic Collaborative: E-Clinical Works (2020). Resource Type: Collaborative. Description: Peer to peer sharing. If you are a Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) funded health center that struggles with clinical decision support, tracking HIV prevention and treatment outcomes, your peers can share innovative ideas and strategies to help you find solutions. Relationship building. This is a unique opportunity for PCHP health centers to get together to share ideas around HIV screening and prevention. The EHE Collaborative is an opportunity to build relationships with other PCHPs. Improved technical assistance and training. Your participation in this roundtable helps HITEQ tailor our training and technical assistance services to serve you better. More Details...

Building the Plane While Flying It: Case Studies on COVID-19, Telehealth, and Health Care for the Homeless Centers (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As is the case for most health centers, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Health Care for the Homeless health centers to rapidly adopt telehealth strategies to sustain client services remotely. But serving patients without homes necessitates additional innovation to reach clients in shelters, quarantine facilities, or even on the street, while attending to complex health and social needs. These case studies profile 17 HCH health centers and 2 consumers, offering a range of pragmatic, insightful perspectives on HCH telehealth in the COVID world. More Details...

TelePrEP for Health Centers: Telehealth Resources and Innovations for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), June 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, has long been recognized as an effective treatment in the effort to end the HIV epidemic. Prescribing PrEP should be considered as part comprehensive prevention plan that includes a discussion about adherence to PrEP, condom use, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other risk reduction methods. This HITEQ brief presents an overview of how health centers can utilize telehealth for PrEP access, or TelePrEP, for comprehensive care, and includes innovations and resources that health centers can utilize to extend these services to their patient populations. More Details...

Telephone and Virtual Visits: Operational Considerations (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Tips and scripts for health center organizations to use in conducting telehealth visits with patients. More Details...

Communications & Outreach Toolkit — COVID-19: Resources & Templates to help Health Centers Communicate information about services and programs during the Coronavirus Outbreak (2020). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Resources and templates Health Centers and PCAs can use to communicate information about services and programs to a variety of audiences, including the media, patients, prospective patients, community partners, during the Coronavirus outbreak. Resources include templates and documents like fact sheets, flyers, media relations templates, video animations, and more. More Details...

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit