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Displaying records 1 through 20 of 44 found.

Oral Health and Chronic Disease Management for Older Adults (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Older adults may experience chronic diseases that have impacts to oral health including diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and cognitive disorders. This publication highlights promising practices from health centers that have implemented programs to support oral health integration to improve chronic disease outcomes. This document was created in partnership with the National Center for Equitable Care for Elders. More Details...

Transportation is a Health Equity Issue Factsheet (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health Outreach Partners proudly presents a new resource on Transportation and Health Equity. Our newly developed factsheet investigates how transportation impacts access to care and other social determinants of health, analyzes unmet needs & gaps in laws or policies affecting access to transportation, uncovers the structural factors predisposing underserved populations to reduced access to transportation and provides recommendations to health centers on addressing patient transportation inequities and barriers. More Details...

Foundational Strategies for Emergency Preparedness within Health Centers Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar explores key strategies for emergency preparedness and addressing environmental impacts on health within health centers. Expert faculty will guide participants in understanding the purpose of implementing an emergency preparedness plan and provide foundational knowledge on best practices for preparing for emergencies and environmental impacts on health. Participants will leave with increased confidence in beginning the development of an Emergency Preparedness Committee and Plan, ensuring patient safety during natural or man-made disruptions. More Details...

Designing Space for Hybrid Care Models (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: For health centers planning a capital project, this publication, developed with support from HRSA, provides insight into designing facilities to accommodate both in-person and virtual care efficiently and strategically, considering staff and patient needs and preferences. More Details...

Increasing Access to Comprehensive Care: The Crucial Role of the Community Health Worker (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us as we explore the crucial role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) and peer navigators within the clinical care team, exploring their impact on increasing access to comprehensive care. Explore case studies, reimbursement models, and the vital contributions of CHWs in improving patient outcomes from addressing social determinants of health and basic needs to fostering patient engagement. Participants will leave with knowledge on enhancing patient care strategies through CHWs and contributing to a skilled, inclusive healthcare workforce. More Details...

Affirming Telehealth Practices for LGBTQIA+ Communities (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us for this one-hour session to explore promising telehealth practices to serve LGBTQIA+ communities and mitigate stigma and barriers to healthcare. This session will give a comprehensive overview of tools, resources, and best practices to help you build or expand your telehealth programming to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ patients. This session will be led by Emily Phillips, Fenway Health Telehealth Project Manager. More Details...

NTTAP Webinar Series - June 8, 2023: Re-engaging Patients in Dental Care (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The COVID-19 pandemic has created several challenges for our country’s health care infrastructure, and the community health center workforce is no exception. Join us as we describe strategies to get patients back into dental care. Along with these strategies, participants will learn how to recognize challenges in dental practices, as well as how to engage the interdisciplinary care team through role redesign and integration to increase access to comprehensive care. More Details...

User's Guide for Integration of Behavioral Health and Oral Health (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides guidance on how to implement a behavioral health and oral health integration program. The User's Guide includes a description of NNOHA's systems-based framework for behavioral health integration, promising practices from community health centers, and workflow examples. There is also a readiness assessment to help community health centers determine their level of preparedness to implement a behavioral health integration program. More Details...

A Compendium of Veteran Oral Health Best, Promising, and Emerging Practice Approaches (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NNOHA partnered with the American Institute for Dental Public Health to collect current practices to increase access to oral health care for veterans. This guide describes strategies to engage and serve veterans in the community for oral health care. More Details...

Technology Strategies to Improve Pediatric Immunization: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The importance of effective pediatric immunization strategies cannot be overstated at this moment in public health. Given all the potential barriers to access, how can technology support primary care in improving systems for effective vaccine uptake? Participants heard from Dr. Melissa Stockwell, whose research includes translational health IT interventions to promote vaccination as well as the use of large-scale, patient-centered communication technologies, like text messaging, for surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases and adverse events. More Details...

Improving Care Coordination and Health Outcomes for Diabetic Patients through Medical and Dental Integration: Promising Practice (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: CommUnityCare in Texas shares how their organization implemented medical and dental integration through NNOHA Integration of Diabetes and Oral Health Learning Collaborative to help improve the health outcomes of patients with diabetes. More Details...

Advancing Team-Based Care: Enhancing the Role of the Medical Assistant and Nurse through Implementation of Care Management to Improve Chronic Conditions (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Expert faculty outline the differences between case management, care coordination and complex care management to frame up a discussion on strategies to leverage effective models for both in-person and remote services. Expert faculty discuss the role of the medical assistant and the nurse in care management, as well as how standing orders and delegated orders support this work. This session will discuss how telehealth and remote patient monitoring enhancements can support complex care management for patients with chronic conditions. Participants leave this session with the knowledge and tools to begin or enhance implementation of chronic care management by enhancing the role of the medical assistant, nurse and the technology that supports the clinical care. More Details...

Using Teledentistry to Improve Prenatal Care (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication describes how the University of California, Irvine Family Health Center provides synchronous teledentistry services to pregnant patients. More Details...

Work as a Social Driver of Health: How La Casa Family Health Center Identifies Farmworkers (2022). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: What happens when health center care teams know more about a patient’s occupation? This data can be especially important if the patient is an essential worker, as the Health Choice Network, a health center-controlled network based in Miami, and their partners at La Casa Family Health Center in New Mexico, learned during the COVID pandemic when treating a high-risk group of dairy farmworkers. This episode of NACHC’s podcast, Health Centers on the Front Lines, takes us behind the scenes at a health center and its partner network as they change the culture around disclosure of occupation among patients. More Details...

Two-Tiered Screening for Patient Social Needs in a Safety-Net Setting: Using Two Pre-Screening Questions to assess patients’ social needs at a Chicago-area FQHC (2022). Resource Type: Template. Description: Erie Family Health Centers, a Chicago-area Federally Qualified Health Center, initiated a two-part social needs screening process with patients in May 2020. A medical assistant asked a single prescreening question about interest in being connected to resources and interested patients received a follow-up call from staff to screen for needs and connect with resources. A second prescreening question was added asking patients their preferred method for receiving resources. The results of this process suggest that a two-tiered screening for social needs is feasible in the safety net setting. More Details...

Teledentistry User's Guide (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Teledentistry is an emerging trend to  help improve access to oral health care, improve the dental care  delivery system, and lower costs. NNOHA has worked with health centers  since Spring 2020 to develop and test a variety of strategies to deliver  dental services via synchronous teledentistry. This User’s Guide gives  an overview of teledentistry, describes its use in health center dental  programs, and includes practical tools for implementing teledentistry. More Details...

Teledentistry Video Example (2022). Resource Type: Other. Description: This video depicts a condensed live, synchronous teledentistry visit utilizing the six steps of an infant oral care visit. More Details...

PrEP Guidelines: Excerpt from a presentation given on May 19, 2022​ on PrEP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Strategies for ending the HIV Epidemic in the US (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This video is an excerpt from a presentation given on May 19, 2022​ on PrEP Clinical Practice Guidelines and Strategies for ending the HIV Epidemic in the US. Dr. Daskalakis describes what has and has not changed since the 2017 PrEP Guidelines were issued. He reports on a new recommendation to include PrEP as a topic within primary care. Finally, he speaks about regimens for oral and injectable prophylaxis. More Details...

The SDOH Academy Innovations Showcase Competition: Closing Webinar (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The SDOH Academy Innovations Showcase Competition is an interactive training opportunity that incorporates an element of competition for health centers to showcase their innovations. A unique opportunity for health center staff and stakeholders to not only shape the narrative about their innovative work to address the SDOHs but also a way to inform a national audience on how they have been successful in addressing any of the following core competencies. More Details...

Integrating Oral Health and Primary Care for Patients with Diabetes: Promising Practice (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice features Horizon Health Care, Inc. in South Dakota. This health center implemented a medical and dental integration program for patients with diabetes while participating in NNOHA\'s Integration of Diabetes and Oral Health Learning Collaborative. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit