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Telehealth Resources: Access and Equity


Displaying 66 records:

Emergency Preparedness in School-Based Telehealth (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Emergency Preparedness in School-Based Telehealth webinar was designed for health center and health center look-alike staff. The webinar aims to increase the audience's knowledge of and capacity to define how health centers can partner effectively with schools to implement telehealth care, identify how to provide students with care through telehealth, and reduce barriers to telehealth services. More Details...

Engaging Partners and Technology to Support Care of Justice-Involved Patients: Virtual Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this session, participants learned from Harris Health (Texas) and Community Medical Centers Inc. (California) to hear about their expanded services for behavioral health and substance use disorder treatment for justice-involved community members. Attendees learned from these two healthcare providers that have made a commitment to offering care to justice -involved patients, and their journeys to build positive partnerships improving access to service. More Details...

Closing the PrEP Care Gap with TelePrEP: Training for Health Centers (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This training session was delivered by the HITEQ Center in collaboration with Housing Works, a health center based in New York City. Staff from Housing Works provided an overview of the TelePrEP model, considerations for implementation, and successes and barriers their TelePrEP program has faced. All health center staff were welcome to attend, and the content will be useful for all seeking to expand PrEP access for HIV prevention in their health center and community. More Details...

Best Practices for Phone & Virtual Interpretation (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides evidence based best practices for phone and virtual interpretation for farmworkers and other who are Limited-English proficient in health centers and clinics. This publication provides many resources to other publications with best practices resources for available interpretation services. We hope this can be applied to support farmworker patients who speak Indigenous languages to increase their access to health care services. More Details...

Work as a Social Driver of Health: How La Casa Family Health Center Identifies Farmworkers (2022). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: What happens when health center care teams know more about a patient’s occupation? This data can be especially important if the patient is an essential worker, as the Health Choice Network, a health center-controlled network based in Miami, and their partners at La Casa Family Health Center in New Mexico, learned during the COVID pandemic when treating a high-risk group of dairy farmworkers. This episode of NACHC’s podcast, Health Centers on the Front Lines, takes us behind the scenes at a health center and its partner network as they change the culture around disclosure of occupation among patients. More Details...

Integrated Mental Health (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: We invite you to join the School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA) for a one-hour webinar on Integrated Mental Health to address care coordination, partnerships, and evidence-based care strategies for school-aged children. More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Crossing The Chasm of Innovation - One FQHC's Journey to Operationalize its Telehealth Strategy: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this HITEQ Highlights webinar, we focused on the intersection of telehealth strategy and operations. One health center\'s experience of leveraging telehealth as a tool for expanding service delivery and patient access will be a jumping off point from which to consider the benefits (and challenges) of dedicated telehealth resources within an organization. Participants learned how telehealth might benefit recruitment efforts and review relevant resources for ongoing telehealth support. More Details...

Enhancing Healthcare Access for Special Populations Through Telehealth and Home Visitation Services: NCHPH Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Hosted by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium and the National Center for Health in Public Housing, this 2-part webinar series discussed promising practices in home visitation and telehealth as ways to support improved access to comprehensive primary care for communities with high levels of disability, and isolation, lack of adequate transportation, and other social drivers of health that contribute to health inequities, particularly residents of public housing. More Details...

Using Telehealth to Connect With Older Patients: Considerations for Health Centers (2023). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This publication will offer guidance for providers and staff on best practices for conducting agefriendly virtual healthcare visits with the older patients in their communities More Details...

Accessing Your Health Center's Digital Health Tools: HITEQ Team Tool Kit (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Digital patient engagement investments is a broad category that includes all digital health tools your health center uses to reach and support patients. These include patient portals, messaging and outreach apps, remote patient monitoring tools, and mHealth apps. Despite the hopes and promises of new technologies, implementation of digital tools in health centers can be uneven and siloed, hindering progress on adoption, engagement, and transformation. More Details...

Navigating Compliance Challenges with the Information Blocking Rule: A Collection of Case Studies: HITEQ Center and Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP, September 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) 21st Century Cures Act Information Blocking Rule (Info Blocking Rule) prohibits covered actors – including health care providers, health IT developers of certified health IT, and health information exchanges/health information networks– from engaging in practices likely to interfere with, prevent, or materially discourage access, exchange, or use of electronic health information (EHI). The Info Blocking Rule includes eight exceptions that provide actors with certainty that, when their practice interferes with the access, exchange, or use of EHI and meets the conditions of one or more exception, such practice will not be considered information blocking.1 More Details...

Sensitive Information and the Electronic Patient Record: HITEQ Center, June 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: With nearly 100% of community health centers utilizing electronic health records (EHR) to care for patients, focus has pivoted from implementation and new workflow development to enhancement in order to drive value and reflect patient needs and population trends. EHR technology presents potential opportunities and significant constraints. Providers frequently document and share potentially sensitive information in the EHR, such as risk for intimate partner violence (IPV), consistent offers of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), or patient sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). More Details...

The HITEQ Center Podcast: Sharing Virtual Care Success Stories and Lessons Learned in 2022 and 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: HITEQ is highlighting stories of leveraging the EHR, health IT, digital health tools, and other virtual care supports for health center recovery and stabilization during the COVID-19 pandemic and thereafter in this series of podcasts. We are lifting up stories that demonstrate the promise of digital and health IT tools to address the timely needs of health centers and their patients, emphasizing those that support high value, equitable care for all health center patients and that reduce provider burden. More Details...

Interoperability Readiness Scorecard: HITEQ Center, July 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Template. Description: Many health centers struggle to reap the benefits of technological advancement and investments in health information technology (health IT), while others embrace them and reap rewards. Interoperability is one such example; requiring health centers assess systems, relationships, and implementation. There are keys to successful interoperability implementation for which health centers must develop processes, stand up infrastructure (within the system, internally and externally, and organization), and then take action. Process refers to structured processes, policies, and procedures within the health center. Infrastructure refers to structural capacity and ability within the health center’s technology and staffing structure. Action refers to full implementation to the point of active and ongoing use and engagement. This scorecard encourages health centers to consider their processes, infrastructure, and action in a number of key areas. Each area key to interoperability are to be self-graded on a scale of 1 through 5, where 1 is poorly or not yet developed and 5 is well developed. Health centers can also use this to guide discussions and monitor progress over time. evaluate once steps have been completed. More Details...

Assessing Provider Capabilities, Attitudes, and Preferences about Telehealth: HITEQ Center Question Bank, April 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: As health centers are charting their path forward with telehealth after the public health emergency ends, it will be critical to have methods in place to comprehensively assess the current experiences, capabilities, attitudes, and preferences of providers. Telehealth program improvements should be grounded in a real understanding of these factors to ensure readiness of all providers. More Details...

Clinical Quality Measures for Eligible Professionals: 2023 Update: A crosswalk of Clinical Quality Measures for UDS and other reporting from The HITEQ Center (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This spreadsheet developed by the HITEQ Center provides a crosswalk of Clinical Quality Measures and their electronic specifications as defined in the 2023 update for Eligible Professionals (Clinicians). Fields include the crosswalk of measures with related information about CMS, NQF, and MIPS ID, and Telehealth Eligiblity, as well as inclusion in HRSA BPHC Uniform Data System (UDS) CY2023, Million Hearts, CMS Quality Payment Program (QPP) - APM Performance Pathway (APP) Measures, Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)/ CMS ACO Shared Savings Program, CMS Core Set (Child Core Set Medicaid / CHIP): HEDIS Specified, CMS Core Set (Adult Core Set Medicaid): HEDIS Specified, Core Quality Measures Collaborative (ACO / Primary Care). Links are included throughout. More Details...

Telehealth Office Hour: Bridging the Digital Divide (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: As Telehealth continues to advance the care organizations provide to their communities, systemic issues are being identified as it relates to Telehealth equity. Join us during NACHCs Telehealth Office Hour as we are joined by the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center to examine telehealth strategies that address disparities in access to quality care. More Details...

Specialty Care Access in Health Centers - What is the Potential of eConsults?: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Access to care is the essential work of health centers, and one pain point is how to ensure specialty access for health center patients. This webinar will discuss innovation in specialty care access using technology and e-Consults. Electronic consultations (“e-consults”) are asynchronous, consultative, provider-to-provider communications within a shared electronic health record (EHR) or web-based platform. E-consults are intended to improve access to specialty expertise for patients and providers without the need for a face-to-face visit. More Details...

Clinical Decision Support and Care Plan Adjustment for Social Risks: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: When clinical teams have information on patients\' social risks (adverse social determinants of health), they can make care plan adjustments to account for those risks, e.g., by prescribing lower-cost medications. More Details...

Action to Ensure Americans Receive Critical Information on Health Care Coverage (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Federal Communications Commission in January 2023 provided guidance to federal and state governmental agencies, as well as their partners, to enable them to make Medicaid enrollment calls and send text messages without violating robocall and robotext prohibitions. More Details...

Webinar: The Role of MLPs in Harm Reduction Models (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, MLP practitioners from HealthLinc (FQHC) and Indiana Legal Services, Inc. shared strategies to help health centers and MLP staff increase their understanding of current public health approaches to designing and implementing effective harm reduction models. Specifically, participants learned to: • Understand the role of health centers in addressing substance use disorder • Understand how MLPs play a role in addressing substance use disorder • Learn by example: How HealthLinc’s MLPs provides a holistic harm reduction and recovery intervention for their community More Details...

Using Teledentistry to Improve Prenatal Care (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication describes how the University of California, Irvine Family Health Center provides synchronous teledentistry services to pregnant patients. More Details...

Using Legal Services as Part of a Community Strategy to Improve Maternal and Child Health | 2022 Learning Collaborative (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In Using Legal Services as Part of a Community Strategy to Improve Maternal and Child Health participants from health center and civil legal service providers developed and improved strategies to integrate legal services as part of the clinical practice to address the social and legal needs of maternal and child patients. In this four-part course, participants were asked to consider specific aspects of establishing MLPs and were be given access to resources designed to increase learning about the impact of unmet legal needs on maternal and child health. The collaborative brought together legal service providers and health centers to learn from each other and faculty advisors ​​representing the Georgetown University Health Justice Alliance and the Center for Children’s Advocacy/Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital partnership. More Details...

The Unique Role of Medical-Legal Partnerships in Helping Health Centers Address Disability & Chronic Disease Discrimination | Webinar Series (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership (NCMLP), in collaboration with Health Outreach Partners (HOP), offered four 90-minute webinars designed to help health centers address and redress discrimination against people living with disabilities or chronic disease. Given the prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, HIV/AIDS, depression, heart disease, and others, many health center patients face discrimination at work or school, when accessing services or public places, or otherwise navigating daily life because of these conditions. While different groups of people have unique experiences with this discrimination—for example, migrant and seasonal agricultural workers and individuals with immigration status—health center patients facing disability discrimination may have limited access to quality, informed legal services. Health centers play a key role in identifying discrimination at its earliest stages and will learn how to mitigate it by leveraging their own medical authority and resources within the community. This series explored: Disability Discrimination 101: Understanding the Legal Protections, Common Barriers, and the Role of Health Centers in Ending Discrimination (April 27, 2022) – Download the Slides Disability and Chronic Disease Discrimination with Kids: Navigating the Health Center’s Role in Securing Legal Protections for Pediatric Patient (May 11, 2022) – Download the Slides The New Kid on the Disability Block: COVID-19 and Emerging Issues (May 25, 2022) – Download the Slides Building a Disability/Chronic Disease MLP (June 8, 2022) – Download the Slides More Details...

MLP in Health Centers Guide Webinar Series Part 4: The Medical-Public Defender Partnership (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Since its founding in the early 1990s, the MLP approach has evolved to incorporate criminal legal in addition to civil legal needs. One of the first MLPs focused on criminal legal needs emerged in Rhode Island, where health centers have partnered with the Rhode Island Public Defender’s Office to collaborate around preserving their shared clients’/patients’ health. On June 23, attendees heard from MLP practitioners in Rhode Island discuss a unique medical-public defender partnership. Participants learned the following: 1. The impact of criminal legal involvement on health and well-being 2. The history and evolution of the medical-legal partnership 3. Rhode Island’s approach to bringing together health centers and public defenders to support mutual patient-clients 4. Best practices that empower health centers to advocate for patients with criminal legal involvement The webinar featured the following panelists: James Lawless, Social Services Department Chief, Rhode Island Public Defender Elizabeth Tobin-Tyler, JD, MA, Associate Professor of Health Services, Policy & Practice, Brown University Anthony Thigpen, Community Health Worker, Lifespan’s Transition Clinic Rahul Vanjani, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Brown Medicine More Details...

LGBTQIA+ Youth and Experiences of Human Trafficking: A Healing-Centered Approach (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This toolkit was developed in partnership with the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center and is intended to increase health centers’ awareness of and responsiveness to  LGBTQIA+ youth experiencing human trafficking. The primary focus on LGBTQIA+ youth engaged in the sex trade, including forced, coerced, and voluntary sex work and survival sex; however, LGBTQIA+ youth may also experience other forms of labor exploitation. More Details...

Leveraging Federal Recovery Money to Maintain and Expand Health Center Services and Partnerships: Medicaid Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: States and localities have significant new funding via the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan Act. This brief is part of a series that will describe in detail the Medicaid funding sources, the differing processes by which funding becomes available at the state and local level, and the planning and stakeholder input process each funding stream requires before awarding or implementing funds. More Details...

Advancing MLP in Health Centers Learning Collaborative Part 4 (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In part four of this session health centers and civil legal services staff connected with peers at different levels of medical-legal partnership (MLP) implementation for support with addressing the health-harming legal needs of special populations More Details...

Advancing MLP in Health Centers Learning Collaborative Part 3 (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In part three of this session, this learning collaborative allowed health centers and civil legal services staff to connect with peers at different levels of medical-legal partnership (MLP). The provided strategies for implementation and support by addressing the health-harming legal needs of special populations. More Details...

Advancing MLP in Health Centers Learning Collaborative Part 2 (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In part two of this learning collaborative, health centers and civil legal services staff connected with peers at different levels of medical-legal partnership (MLP) implementation for support with addressing the health-harming legal needs of special populations. More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Deploying Smartphone Apps to Advance Mental Health in Primary Care: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Patient engagement through electronic health apps are one solution to the need for timely and ongoing patient support. This session discussed a program to support mental health through an integrated behavioral health model using a mental health app at Cambridge Health Alliance. More Details...

Eyes on Access: We’ve Decided to Offer Vision Services in Our Health Center, Now What? (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar hosted by the National Association of Community Health Centers, Prevent Blindness, and the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved, takes a deeper dive into the feasibility of opening an optometry department within a community health center. More Details...

Affirming Health Care for LGBTQIA+ People during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This panel-style presentation will feature a diverse group of providers in mental health, nursing, and medicine with expertise in LGBTQIA+ health, providing their unique perspectives on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected patient care for LGBTQIA+ people. Participants will learn strategies to support LGBTQIA+ patients accessing healthcare and how to provide affirming treatment and referrals to address the lasting mental health effects of COVID-19, including increased levels of anxiety, substance use, and depression triggered by social isolation, bereavement, fear, or loss of income. More Details...

Telehealth and Digital Tools Equity Assessment: Developed in February 2022 (2022). Resource Type: Other. Description: This brief assessment, which can be downloaded in the Documents to Download section below, contains questions that health centers can ask potential vendors to ensure their tools support equitable access and address the needs of the health center\'s population. More Details...

Affordable Connectivity Program Consumer Outreach Toolkit (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The Affordable Connectivity Program was created by the FCC to help households struggling to pay for internet service. As part of that effort, the FCC is mobilizing people and organizations to help raise awareness about the ACP. The materials below are available for public use, and you can download and customize them to meet your needs. More Details...

Teledentistry Video Example (2022). Resource Type: Other. Description: This video depicts a condensed live, synchronous teledentistry visit utilizing the six steps of an infant oral care visit. More Details...

NCTRC Telehealth Hack - FQHC Program Models Post-COVID (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Expanded telehealth flexibilities during the COVID public health emergency allowed for FQHCs and RHCs to serve as distant site providers to virtually manage largely underserved populations. Three FQHCs from different areas of the country will share their experiences implementing telehealth, including best practices and lessons learned. More Details...

Assessing Telehealth Maturity in Health Centers: A report out on the progress of Massachusetts health centers in advancing telehealth during a pandemic (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar gave participants the opportunity to learn about the successes and ongoing work to advance telehealth in Massachusetts and critical areas for continued focus and resources to enable equitable access to telehealth. More Details...

Fundamentals of Comprehensive Care (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us as we discuss the core concepts of team-based care and introduce elements of team-based care that builds upon these basics to support your teams in advancing their capability to provide satisfying and effective care to complex patient populations. We are joined by Margaret Flinter, Senior Vice President/Clinical Director for Community Health Center, Inc., and both Thomas Bodenheimer, MD, Physician and Founding Director, and Rachel Willard Grace, Director, from the Center for Excellence in Primary Care. More Details...

Tips for Telehealth Communication (2021). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: A tip and strategies sheet developed to help healthcare providers improve communication with patients during telehealth encounters. More Details...

Teledentistry User's Guide (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Teledentistry is an emerging trend to  help improve access to oral health care, improve the dental care  delivery system, and lower costs. NNOHA has worked with health centers  since Spring 2020 to develop and test a variety of strategies to deliver  dental services via synchronous teledentistry. This User’s Guide gives  an overview of teledentistry, describes its use in health center dental  programs, and includes practical tools for implementing teledentistry. More Details...

Patient Telehealth Readiness Assessment Tool (2020). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description:  A tool developed to assist healthcare providers in identifying a patient’s willingness or need for resources and/or skills to engage in telehealth services. More Details...

Interim Lessons Learn from the Pandemic: COVID-19 & the HCH Community (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: COVID-19 continues to be an international pandemic and the experiences over the past 18 months have shown there are more effective ways to provide care to vulnerable people. The challenge now is to extend these improvements to all communities and make them permanent. While the pandemic is not yet over, this issue brief outlines five “lessons learned” (and related strategies) that have improved systems of care and heightened public health interventions for people experiencing homelessness. More Details...

TelePrEP and Tele-STI Care: Optimizing Safer Sex in the Pandemic (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The webinar discusses what is known about sexual behavior during the pandemic and what constitutes safer sex in the COVID-19 era. The talk contextualizes PrEP as part of a sexual harm reduction strategy and discusses models for remote PrEP delivery and clinical monitoring. Practical issues, such as STI screening and reimbursement, are also discussed. More Details...

Food Insecurity: The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The fourth webinar in the Weitzman Institute's Path Forward "The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health" fall series focusing on addressing food insecurity as an important public health issue. The content expert for the webinar is Sarah Carroll; Director of the Center for Care Transformation at AVIA. The following organizations served as panelists for the webinar: Jacob Luria, Co-Founder and CEO, Algorex Health; Catherine Macpherson, Vice President Product Strategy & Development, Chief Nutrition Officer, Moms Meals; and Laura Robbins, Co-Founder and COO, Advocatia Solutions. More Details...

Isolation & Loneliness: The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The third webinar in the Weitzman Institute\'s Path Forward \"The Digital Transformation in Social Determinants of Health\" fall series focusing on addressing isolation and loneliness as an important public health issue. The content expert for the webinar is Gretchen Alkema, PhD; Vice President of Policy and Communications, The SCAN Foundation. Presenters for the webinar includes: Andrew Parker, Founder & CEO of Papa; Cindy Jordan, Founder & CEO & Christina Myren; Chief Operating Officer of Pyx Health; and Ashwin Patel, Co-Founder & CEO of InquisitHealth. More Details...

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) & Diabetes Prevention Programs Among Public Housing Residents: Infographic (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This infographic provides examples of the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) contributing to the prevalence of diabetes among public housing residents with corresponding examples of diabetes prevention promising practices provided by Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC) grantees. More Details...

The Path Forward: Re-Imagining Primary Care During and Beyond the Pandemic (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: As the nation struggles with the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism, the moment is upon us to deeply examine and reshape the primary care delivery system for underserved communities. In this webinar, leadership of the Community Health Center, Inc. and its Weitzman Institute will lay out a road map for the new Path Forward. We invite health center and safety net providers, staff, consumer leaders and others to join the conversation and contribute their expertise, perspective and ideas. More Details...

Bridging the Digital Divide: Tactics to Address Patient Barriers to Virtual Care (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Lack of Internet and broadband access prevents some patients from using telehealth and other technology that can support their own health care and getting accurate health care information. In one 2020 study, 42 million Americans lacked adequate access to broadband (high speed internet). As of 2019, about one in five people did not have smartphones, and among low income people nearly one third do not have a smartphone. Rates of computer ownership are not much better. Those patients who do have access to the technology may or may not have the capacity and willingness to use it, depending on past experiences. Some patients aren\'t comfortable with technology, while others don\'t trust it or believe that virtual care is sub-par, despite growing evidence of its benefits. This culminates in a clear digital divide that can hinder the ability for patients to fully engage in their care or take advantage of things like remote patient monitoring, telehealth, mHealth, or patient portal. More Details...

Telehealth Office Hours:: ADA issues in Telehealth (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This presentation provides a high-level overview of accessibility considerations in telemedicine under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. We will discuss various types of services and modifications to help ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to telemedicine services. More Details...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Resources and Information: Spanish and English (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: We at Migrant Clinicians Network have a priority to support both clinicians and the vulnerable patients they serve. MCN continually develops strategies and resources to support health centers, health departments, community groups, and clinicians as they reach out to communities that are often overlooked and give care to patients who might otherwise have nowhere to go. We remain highly concerned for the vulnerable populations that already encounter numerous barriers to health and to care. More Details...

NACHC Telehealth Office Hours: State Assistive Technology Act (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This session from April 8, 2021 focuses on the State Assistive Technology (AT) Act program and the services they provide. State AT programs provide information and awareness about AT, train people how to use AT, demonstrate AT that is responsive to a person’s needs related to vaccine access, testing, physical distancing, using telemedicine, enrolling in programs, and participating in virtual health and wellness and social engagement programs. More Details...

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking in the Health Center Setting: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The coronavirus pandemic and consequent stay-at-home orders may increase danger for those at risk for or experiencing intimate partner violence and human trafficking (IPV/HT). Due to COVID-19, many health centers have shifted health encounters to virtual platforms, which offer unique opportunities to provide trauma-informed care and connect in new ways with those who may be experiencing abuse. Yet, telehealth and virtual visits also present health centers with new challenges related to privacy, safety and digital health equity. More Details...

Telehealth Basics for Supportive Housing Providers and their Health Center Partners - CSH Three Part Telehealth Series: Guidance for Providers Looking to Support Residents Getting Connected to Telehealth (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The public health emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic has required the health care sector including Community Health Centers and supportive housing providers to work in new ways to support their service participants (i.e. health center patients who are also supportive housing tenants). This brief considers the basics regarding telehealth for collaborations between health centers and the supportive housing field to consider as they adapt to provide services in a manner that protects both the client and staff. More Details...

A Framework for Health and Housing Partnership During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Key partnership elements for successful health and housing partnerships to address crisis (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community responses to the COVID-19 pandemic like shelter-in-place, quarantine, testing, and management of strained health resources have elevated the necessity and value of effective health and housing partnerships to address the needs of vulnerable populations. This brief highlights strategies for health centers, housing, and community service providers in leveraging partnerships to address a range of health and housing needs both during, and after the COVID-19 crisis subsides. More Details...

Serving Rural Patients with Telehealth: Resources and Tips for Federally Qualified Health Centers: A HITEQ telehealth publication (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: With the challenges of provider shortages and lack of accessible facilities, telehealth presents an opportunity for health centers serving rural areas to expand health services, integrate primary care with subspecialty services, and improve care management.6 Telehealth provision in rural communities is particularly important and in-demand during the COVID-19 pandemic as many health centers have had to quickly transition to providing remote services. While telehealth has the potential to improve healthcare provision and access, many rural areas lack the reliable broadband connection and devices necessary for high-quality telehealth provision. More Details...

EnVision Centers, Jobs Plus and Health Centers Interactive Map (2020). Resource Type: Interactive Map. Description: NCHPH recently launched a new interactive map. This map shows the location of Health Centers, Envision Centers and Jobs Plus sites. EnVision Centers are centralized hubs that provide people living in public housing with resources and support needed to excel. Jobs Plus Sites. The place-based Jobs Plus Initiative program addresses poverty among public housing residents by incentivizing and enabling employment. Health Centers interested in partnering with near Envision Centers and Jobs Plus sites, visit this NCHPH resource and hover over the organization you want to partner with. Contact information will then be displayed in the information box. More Details...

Ending the HIV Epidemic Collaborative: Next Gen: HITEQ Ending the HIV Epidemic Collaborative (2020). Resource Type: Learning Collaborative. Description: Peer to peer sharing. If you are a Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) funded health center that struggles with clinical decision support, tracking HIV prevention and treatment outcomes, your peers can share innovative ideas and strategies to help you find solutions. Relationship building. This is a unique opportunity for PCHP health centers to get together to share ideas around HIV screening and prevention. The EHE Collaborative is an opportunity to build relationships with other PCHPs. Improved technical assistance and training. Your participation in this roundtable helps HITEQ tailor our training and technical assistance services to serve you better. More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Preparing for Value-Based Care through Sustainable Telehealth Workflows: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join the HITEQ Center, in collaboration with Certintell, for a webinar on Preparing for Value-Based Care through Sustainable Telehealth Workflows. The webinar will provide an overview of how health centers can use telehealth during the current public health emergency and ensure that they are ready for the shift to Value-Based Care. We will cover sustainable telehealth services that are often underutilized and example workflows that have worked for other health centers. More Details...

Telehealth Strategies and Resources for Serving Patients with Limited English Proficiency (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Telehealth has the power to provide care to people in ways that were not possible before. Telehealth has removed barriers and ensured that people receive care when and where it is most convenient. Telehealth has been especially powerful during the COVID-19 pandemic, when non-emergency services such as primary care, behavioral health, and other in-person visits have been postponed to reduce the spread of the virus. However, while telehealth can remove obstacles, if not used deliberately and thoughtfully, it can exacerbate many inequalities that exist in the United States health system. One factor that is essential is language accessibility. More Details...

Building the Plane While Flying It: Health Care for the Homeless, Telehealth, and COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This archived webinar highlighted Health Care for the Homeless leaders who described their distinct experiences in adopting telehealth in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The lessons learned promise to be helpful to other health centers that serve people without homes. More Details...

Building the Plane While Flying It: Case Studies on COVID-19, Telehealth, and Health Care for the Homeless Centers (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As is the case for most health centers, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Health Care for the Homeless health centers to rapidly adopt telehealth strategies to sustain client services remotely. But serving patients without homes necessitates additional innovation to reach clients in shelters, quarantine facilities, or even on the street, while attending to complex health and social needs. These case studies profile 17 HCH health centers and 2 consumers, offering a range of pragmatic, insightful perspectives on HCH telehealth in the COVID world. More Details...

Bridging the Digital Divide: Using Technology to Improve Access to Health Care for Public Housing Residents (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The purpose of this report is to outline the digital needs and challenges of public housing residents, the risks and benefits of using technology to improve patient care, and recommendations on how to prepare health centers and patients to optimize digital tools, improve access to care, and enhance efforts through partnerships to bridge the digital divide. More Details...

Delivering Telelegal Services During COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: n.a.. Description: This town hall featured teams from Los Angeles, Montana, and Alaska who have experience delivering remote medical-legal partnership services in urban, rural, and frontier settings More Details...

TelePrEP for Health Centers: Telehealth Resources and Innovations for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), June 2020 (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, has long been recognized as an effective treatment in the effort to end the HIV epidemic. Prescribing PrEP should be considered as part comprehensive prevention plan that includes a discussion about adherence to PrEP, condom use, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other risk reduction methods. This HITEQ brief presents an overview of how health centers can utilize telehealth for PrEP access, or TelePrEP, for comprehensive care, and includes innovations and resources that health centers can utilize to extend these services to their patient populations. More Details...

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit