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Displaying records 1801 through 1820 of 2663 found.

Healthcare Workforce Virtual Toolkit — COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This collection provides a curated set of resources and tools for decision-makers managing healthcare workforce challenges in response to the COVID-19 emergency. More Details...

Guidance on Team-Based Care for Older Adults With Multiple Chronic Diseases: Focus on Oral and Behavioral Health Management of the Older Adult Patient With Diabetes (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides guidance to health center providers to establish a team-based care approach to health care delivery to older adult patients with diabetes. The resource explores the roles of oral health, behavioral health, and social determinants of health in managing older adults with diabetes. More Details...

Developing Cross-Sector Partnerships (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This guide provides health center staff with tools and strategies to initiate, develop, and sustain community partnerships to better serve older adult residents of public housing. Content of this publication was developed through a 4-session learning collaborative launched by the SDOH academy with a small cohort of HRSA-funded health centers, HCCNs, and PCAs. More Details...

Assessing Older Adults for Palliative Care Needs (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides guidance to health center providers to identify older adult patients with palliative care needs and serious illness. A stepwise approach can be used to identify, assess, and triage older adults with a serious illness who have progressive functional decline and escalating health care utilization. More Details...

Telehealth to Support Primary Care during COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Sanjeev Arora, MD, discusses how the Project ECHO model is being applied to support primary care providers during this pandemic. Bob Phillips, MD reports on how primary care practitioners are applying emerging telehealth policies and the tough choices practices are making to maintain financial viability with dramatically reduced in-person visits. More Details...

Diabetes Continuum of Care: Understanding Health Literacy to Improve Diabetes Outcomes (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In session 2 of the four-part National Learning Series, we explored the importance of health literacy for successful self-management of chronic conditions; described the impact of low health literacy has on diabetes prevention and outcomes among patients from special and vulnerable populations; and developed practical strategies to communicate health information and help patients build health literacy skills over time. More Details...

Cost Allocation Methodology for Value-Based Payment Systems (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: To assist health center finance and accounting staff in preparing for the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care, The Delta Center for a Thriving Safety Net is hosting a webinar training series, Understanding Your Costs in an Evolving Payment Environment, facilitated by Capital Link. During our third session, we will begin to put those systems to the test as we explore how your costing challenges could change under a Value-Based Payment reimbursement methodology. More Details...

Pharmacy and Finance for PrEP (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar Dr. Rupa Patel discusses pharmacy and financing considerations for initiating and managing PrEP. Dr. Patel, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Director of the PrEP for HIV Program at the Washington University of Medicine in St. Louis, will explore these topics and provide guidance for health centers providing PrEP to their patients. More Details...

Operating a MLP During COVID-19, A Town Hall (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This town hall conversation explored strategies for coordinating health and legal efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. More Details...

Digest of Resources for Medical-Legal Partnerships — COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: A digest of resources to tackle the urgent, overlapping health and legal needs exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Includes a townhall webinar highlighting remote legal practices, COVID-19-related legal needs such as eviction prevention, and practical advice from New York and Austin MLP programs. More Details...

Communications & Outreach Toolkit — COVID-19: Resources & Templates to help Health Centers Communicate information about services and programs during the Coronavirus Outbreak (2020). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Resources and templates Health Centers and PCAs can use to communicate information about services and programs to a variety of audiences, including the media, patients, prospective patients, community partners, during the Coronavirus outbreak. Resources include templates and documents like fact sheets, flyers, media relations templates, video animations, and more. More Details...

Sexual Health and Wellness for Older Adults Part 2 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this second of our two-part webinar on sexual health and LGBTQIA+ Older Adults, Lisa Krinsky, LICSW and Kevin Ard, MD discuss social and care measures to support positive sexual health in sexual and gender minority elders. The session addresses social stigma toward the sexual health of older adults and provides guidance on how to best support elders in a healthy sex life. PrEP and other STI prevention and treatment measures are discussed in the context of LGBTQIA+ older adults. More Details...

Patient Confidentiality & COVID-19 (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this complimentary webinar, we will review the permitted uses and disclosures of patient information during emergencies under both HIPAA and Part 2 and discuss the most recent updates from OCR and SAMHSA. We will also provide responses to health center’s most frequently asked questions and suggest best practices to ensure on-going compliance during this challenging period. More Details...

Using Non-Traditional Technology for Telehealth During COVID-19 Pandemic: Issue Brief for implementing commercial applications for telehealth consistent with March 2020 OCR Guidance (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights (OCR), the entity responsible for enforcing regulations under HIPAA, stated, effective immediately, it will exercise enforcement discretion and will not impose penalties for HIPAA violations against covered healthcare providers if patients are served on a good faith basis during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency. OCR has clarified that, during this public health emergency, these technologies can be used for any services, not only those specific to COVID-19. More Details...

Transgender Health and Medical-Legal Partnerships (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Transgender people have unprecedented access to medical care, but pervasive health disparities persist. Widespread discrimination in health insurance, employment, housing and education, and barriers to obtaining accurate identity documents continue to undermine the health of transgender people. Health care providers play an important role in connecting patients to needed legal services. This can be effectively accomplished through integrated services of a medical-legal partnership that specifically meets the needs of transgender patients. More Details...

Enhancing Social Connectedness in times of Physical Distance: Highlight promising practices for keeping connected with clients (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The current need for physical distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 means that many people may become more isolated. Here are suggestions for how to encourage social connectedness while practicing physical distancing and following critically important CDC guidance regarding how to not spread the virus. More Details...

Developing a Community Health Center Capital Project Plan and Budget – Part Two (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The second part of a two-part webinar series will dive deeper into how to determine your sources and uses of funds, the elements of a business plan, and an overview of the variety of capital project financing sources available to health centers, including New Markets Tax Credits. This session will also discuss how health centers can use scenario modeling to strategically manage their capital projects in a changing environment.  More Details...

WEBINAR | Work in the time of COVID-19: Protecting Vulnerable Workers and Their Families (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this national webinar, presented by Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA, and Ed Zuroweste, MD, we respond to many of your questions about COVID-19 and discuss strategies and resources to help workers best protect themselves and their families. More Details...

Caring for Intersex Patients (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar we will define what it means to be intersex, address common misconceptions about intersex experience, discuss specific challenges faced by the intersex communities in accessing high-quality care, and outline best practices for how providers at health centers can effectively serve intersex patients. More Details...

Telehealth Policy during Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The HITEQ Center is adding additional telehealth information, including policy and regulatory developments, relevant to coronavirus/ COVID-19 pandemic as it impacts health centers as it becomes available. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit