Cybersecurity Learning Bundle
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Issue Brief: Structuring Patient Incentive Programs to Minimize Risk under Federal Laws (2024). Resource Type: Issue Brief. Description: The purpose of this Issue Brief is to describe federal laws implicated by patient incentive programs and to identify potential ways that health centers can structure patient incentive programs to reduce the risk of violating those laws. More Details...

I-HELP™ Bootcamp: Strengthening Your Ability to Spot and Manage Patients’ Complex Health-Harming Legal Issues: Learning Collaborative - Fall 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: NCMLP’s new I-HELP™ Bootcamp is a 5-session learning collaborative designed for healthcare staff of all backgrounds—clinical and nonclinical—to strengthen their knowledge of the legal challenges faced by low-income patient populations. This bootcamp enhanced participants capacity to spot legal needs that affect patient health, improve their ability to screen and refer patients to legal aid, and develop strategies to provide more precise guidance and quality referrals to legal partners. Through case studies and interactive discussions, healthcare teams explored current legal issues across I-HELP™ categories: Income, Housing & utilities, Education & Employment, Legal status, and Personal & family stability. More Details...

Partnering with Legal Services Providers to Enhance Behavioral Healthcare Access and Outcomes: MLP in Action Webinar Series - Part 5 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This session of the MLP in Action webinar series aims to equip staff from health centers, civil legal services, and behavioral health disciplines with lessons and strategies to enhance behavioral health access and outcomes through the integration of legal services. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to offer holistic support to health center patients through MLP interventions. More Details...

Medical-Legal Partnership as a Community Health Strategy to Improve Maternal Health Access and Outcomes Learning Collaborative: Session 1: Leveraging Clinical and Non-Clinical Data to Understand the Social Risk Factors (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: These Learning Collaborative sessions are designed to empower participants to develop a deeper understanding of how the social determinants of health impact maternal health. Participants will learn how to use the Medical-Legal Partnership as a way to improve maternal and child health outcomes for health center patients and their communities. Over four informative sessions, this Learning Collaborative will provide T/TA to health center staff to develop strategies and action plans for aligning MLP activities with potential policy and population health approaches. We encourage health centers that work with multiple special populations, including pregnant women and children, to share their insights and strategies that can be adapted to communities’ unique needs. More Details...

Health Center Resilience in the Face of Cyber Adversity: A Case Study of the Family Health Center of Worcester's Ransomware Incident, February 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The use of ransomware -- malicious software that restricts access to computer systems with financial demands -- has escalated, targeting health centers and putting countless lives at risk. This dire reality came to the forefront during the alarming ransomware attack on the Family Health Center of Worcester, Inc. (FHCW), where the personal health information and care continuity for thousands of patients were compromised. This resource uses FHCW's experience as a case study to demonstrate the imperative of preparedness and the strength of a community-centered response in ensuring the continuity of healthcare services amidst the ever-growing tide of cyber vulnerabilities. More Details...

Learning Collaborative: The Role of Identifying the Social Drivers of Health In Advancing Health Equity: Session 4: Children and Youth in Foster Care (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Renaye James Healthcare Advisors’ Learning Collaborative sessions will cover how to assess health outcome disparities and barriers experienced within four different communities. Trainings will cover evidence-based health-risk assessment tools and how to use a team-based approach to incorporate them into patient care. Additional information about using these tools to identify social drivers of health and connect individuals to community-based resources and services that meet those needs will be shared. Participants will be asked to draft a workflow on how their organization will identify special populations and the process of making referrals (internal and external referrals) to address Social Drivers of Health. More Details...

Three Ways to Support Migrant Farmworkers Families as They Move from Place to Place (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Migrant farmworkers and their families leave their homes to work in agriculture, affecting their mental and physical health. Moving often poses various challenges to migrant farmworker families. Migrant Health Centers, education programs, and legal aid services provide support to this migrant population. Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services is key to supporting this population as they move from place to place. More Details...

Policies and Strategies to Care for Ill or Injured H-2A Workers in the U.S. and at Home (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Alexis Guild and Amy Liebman The National Center for Farmworker Health in collaboration with Farmworker Justice and Migrant Clinicians Network presents this webinar in which presenters will share policies and strategies for outreach staff to ensure injured and ill H-2A workers receive the care they need in the U.S. and in their home countries. Presented on 7/25/2023. More Details...

Policies and Strategies to Care for Ill or Injured H-2A Workers in the U.S. and at Home (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Alexis Guild and Amy Liebman The National Center for Farmworker Health in collaboration with Farmworker Justice and Migrant Clinicians Network presents this webinar in which presenters will share policies and strategies for outreach staff to ensure injured and ill H-2A workers receive the care they need in the U.S. and in their home countries. Presented on 7/25/2023. More Details...

The Role of Medical-Legal Partnerships to Support Ill or Injured H-2A Workers (English version) (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Center for Farmworker Health in collaboration with Farmworker Justice presents this 90-minute webinar in which presenters will discuss the role of medical-legal partnerships to support injured or ill H-2A workers and share challenges and practical strategies to initiate or strengthen medical-legal partnerships. Also featured will be Mary Jo Ybarra-Vega from Quincy Community Health Center in Washington state who will present on her partnership with Northwest Justice Project, a legal services organization; she will share the history of their partnership and their joint efforts to conduct outreach, advocacy, and support to H-2A workers in their communities. Presented on 7/11/2023. More Details...

The Role of Medical-Legal Partnerships to Support Ill or Injured H-2A Workers (English version) (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Center for Farmworker Health in collaboration with Farmworker Justice presents this 90-minute webinar in which presenters will discuss the role of medical-legal partnerships to support injured or ill H-2A workers and share challenges and practical strategies to initiate or strengthen medical-legal partnerships. Also featured will be Mary Jo Ybarra-Vega from Quincy Community Health Center in Washington state who will present on her partnership with Northwest Justice Project, a legal services organization; she will share the history of their partnership and their joint efforts to conduct outreach, advocacy, and support to H-2A workers in their communities. Presented on 7/11/2023. More Details...

Promoting Cybersecurity Awareness for Patients: Protecting yourself when using patient portals, health apps, and online medical devices, June 2023. (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This training guide provides patients with knowledge and awareness about cybersecurity threats to protect their personal health data and to minimize risks from computer viruses and malware. More Details...

Healing Hands: Intersections of Homelessness and Human Trafficking in the United States (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The latest issue of Healing Hands, the publication curated by and for our HCH Clinicians’ Network, is designed to deepen clinicians’ and other health care providers’ understanding of the intersections between homelessness and human trafficking in the U.S. More Details...

Study Shows Involuntary Displacement of People Experiencing Homelessness May Cause Significant Spikes in Mortality, Overdoses and Hospitalizations (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a study that shows encampment sweeps, bans, move-along orders and cleanups that forcibly relocate individuals away from essential services will lead to substantial increases in overdose deaths, hospitalizations and life-threatening infections as well as hinder access to medications for opioid use disorder (along with other detrimental impacts). More Details...

Webinar: Leveraging Health Center Medical-Legal Partnerships to Advance Community-Oriented Policing (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) have always been an effective, evidence-based tool for addressing the social determinants of health. How can MLPs advance public safety and community-oriented policing initiatives? In this national webinar supported by HRSA, MLP practitioners and stakeholders from Texas discussed: why community policing matters for health; how their work intersects with public safety approaches; and concrete strategies for engaging in community-oriented policing initiatives that affect the health and well-being of the communities they serve.​ More Details...

Webinar: The Role of MLPs in Harm Reduction Models (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, MLP practitioners from HealthLinc (FQHC) and Indiana Legal Services, Inc. shared strategies to help health centers and MLP staff increase their understanding of current public health approaches to designing and implementing effective harm reduction models. Specifically, participants learned to: • Understand the role of health centers in addressing substance use disorder • Understand how MLPs play a role in addressing substance use disorder • Learn by example: How HealthLinc’s MLPs provides a holistic harm reduction and recovery intervention for their community More Details...

Electronic Exchange of Data and “Closing The Loop” (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Building the electronic exchange of data directly into the EHR is needed to reduce inefficiencies, document patient connection with available legal services, and track patient legal outcomes. This Case Study provides a concrete example of how a medical-legal partnership (MLP) in Iowa set up electronic referrals in the EHR as well as the ability to “Close the Loop” via electronic updates from the legal partner. Those updates are delivered directly to the EHR and describe whether the patient is connected with legal assistance and the legal outcomes of that assistance. More Details...

Using MLP to Address the Legal Needs among Racial & Ethnic Minorities Living with HIV (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, the presenters discussed recent HIV epidemiological data and the current landscape of healthcare and social needs for this patient population. Presenters also shared best practices and examples for health center and MLP staff to improve screening and implementation of legal interventions that are designed to help reduce and prevent racial disparities and health inequities for people living with HIV. More Details...

Advancing MLP in Health Centers Serving Special Populations: Case Studies Covered through an MLP Peer Learning Collaborative (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: In 2021, health center MLP practitioners gathered for a four-part learning collaborative designed to help them develop and improve their partnership models to better serve the needs of special populations. This factsheet summarizes the learning goals, case studies, and some of the salient points shared throughout the four sessions. More Details...

“No Wrong Door” for Veterans: Veteran Cultural Competency Training for MLP Teams (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Partnerships between health centers, the VA, and civil legal services providers help to ensure that Veterans can access health care through “no wrong door.” To improve the capacity of these partnerships to meet the holistic needs of Veterans, medical-legal partnership staff of all backgrounds and skill sets were invited to this free training event on Veterans cultural competency. Through this webinar, the audience learned about current best practices for serving Veterans across settings and increase their understanding of how to use the medical-legal partnership approach to address the health-harming legal needs of Veterans and their families. Attendees heard from Emily Edwards, PhD (DBT for Justice-Involved Veterans, VISN 2 MIRECC, TASC, James J. Peters VA Medical Center); Lara Eilhardt, JD (Office of General Counsel), and Madolyn Gingell, LCSW (Legal Services for Veterans Program). More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit