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Displaying records 1 through 20 of 156 found.

Addressing Mental Health Experiences Among Subpopulations of Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This two-part article series highlights the vital role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in addressing mental health challenges faced by Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs). CHWs leverage their deep understanding of community needs and cultural sensitivities to facilitate open discussions about mental health, combat stigma, and connect individuals to essential resources. By encouraging open dialogue and mutual support, communities can effectively tackle mental health disparities. More Details...

Creating Community Connections: Introducing the Dinámicas E-Book Blog Series (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: MHP Salud’s “Creating Community Connections” e-book is a free resource designed to help health centers, community organizations, and Community Health Workers (CHWs) build meaningful relationships with underserved and marginalized populations. It offers interactive techniques, cultural sensitivity guidance, and practical tools to enhance community engagement and support. Accessible via MHP Salud’s website, the e-book aims to improve outreach effectiveness and foster trust within diverse communities. More Details...

MHP Salud Dinamicas e-book (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: MHP Salud promotes the Dinámica e-book as a tool for fostering trust and engagement. It features interactive activities designed to \"break the ice,\" encourage reflection, and connect participants. This resource aids in building meaningful community connections through dinámicas, suitable for both individual and group activities in various settings. More Details...

CHWs Supporting MSAWs' Health Across Life's Seasons (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Workers (CHWs) are essential frontline public health workers with deep cultural understanding and adaptable skills. They play a crucial role in supporting Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs), who face unique challenges due to their transient work and diverse backgrounds. CHWs provide vital services such as healthcare access, language interpretation, legal guidance, and culturally appropriate support, ensuring MSAWs receive comprehensive care across different locations and life stages. This integrated approach supports positive health outcomes and addresses systemic barriers through community-driven initiatives. More Details...

Ditch the Pitch: Building Effective Messaging for Different Medical-Legal Partnership Audiences: Health Center MLP Planning, Implementation & Practice (PIP) Webinar Series (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Learn how to unpack different health center MLP audiences and effectively communicate the benefits of MLP to each in ways that will matter to them. More Details...

Planning Ahead for Extreme Weather & Environmental Impacts on Aging (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This National Center for Equitable Care for Elders webinar provided participants with first steps to prepare for climate-related threats to the health and well-being of older adults and their caregivers. Participants reviewed the intersectionality of environmental risks and aging and consider emerging approaches to preparedness. More Details...

Foundational Strategies for Emergency Preparedness within Health Centers Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar explores key strategies for emergency preparedness and addressing environmental impacts on health within health centers. Expert faculty will guide participants in understanding the purpose of implementing an emergency preparedness plan and provide foundational knowledge on best practices for preparing for emergencies and environmental impacts on health. Participants will leave with increased confidence in beginning the development of an Emergency Preparedness Committee and Plan, ensuring patient safety during natural or man-made disruptions. More Details...

HITEQ On the Horizon: Demystifying Current and Future Clinical Quality Measure Reporting: UDS+ and the Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up Measure Roundtable: Roundtable Series (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This session explored the current and future UDS clinical quality measure reporting, through one of the more complicated and expansive measures: Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up Clinical Quality Measure that is included in Table 6B and, in the future, UDS+ reporting. Attendees gained an understanding of the measure specifications, including defining the denominator and compliance. Common challenges as well as health center successes will be discussed. More Details...

Clinical Workforce Development Fall 2023 Webinar Repository: English and Spanish Versions Available (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The following publications present a summary of the NTTAP Fall 2023 activities and findings from an analysis of activities presenting relevant and pertinent information on clinical workforce development More Details...

Connecting The Dots: Advancing Health Equity Through Data Disaggregation Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted already existing health disparities among vulnerable populations, including Asian American (AA), Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (NH/PI) as well as Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker (MSAW) communities. Disaggregated data reveals health disparities within these diverse populations and demonstrates the role of data in advancing health equity. More Details...

Cultural Adaptation of Measures and Tools for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Data Collection (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication was designed as a companion resource to Ready, Set, Go! Guidelines and Tips for Collecting Patient Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) to explain the importance of SOGI data collection to identify and address the unique needs of sexual and gender minority patient populations, with special consideration for culturally and linguistically diverse patients who are part of LGBTQIA+ communities. This guide will help healthcare staff to identify procedures to translate and adapt SOGI data collection questions and patient education materials for multilingual patient populations accurately and affirmatively, with considerations for Spanish-speaking LGBTQIA+ patients as an example. The recommendations in this publication will assist health teams in planning next actions to implement culturally and linguistically affirming practices that are community informed and integrated throughout the health experiences of multilingual, multiethnic, and racially diverse patients. More Details...

Pediatric Mobile Van Services: A Resource Document (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Ensuring access to health care services for all segments of the population, especially children, is a significant challenge. Pediatric Mobile Van Services have emerged as an effective solution by bringing health care directly to the community. By embedding care in the community, services are tailored to the unique health care needs of families. This innovative approach not only increases access, but also promotes care and overall well-being among the pediatric population. More Details...

NTTAP Webinar Series 2023-2024 - Strategies for Advancing Health Equity in Health Centers (March 14, 2024) (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join our upcoming webinar to explore strategies for advancing health equity within health centers. Learn specific approaches, including steps for developing a health equity plan utilizing Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI) best practices as a framework, creating a health equity team, and establishing priorities and goals to guide health equity work. Attendees will leave with increased confidence in developing their health equity plan at their health center. More Details...

NTTAP Webinar Series 2023-2024 - Data-Driven Health Equity: Strategies for Collecting Patient Data in Health Centers Webinar (March 7, 2024) (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join our upcoming webinar as we dive into key strategies for using identity data in population health management. Expert faculty will highlight the importance of gathering data to address health disparities, with a focus on utilizing Electronic Health Records (EHR) for both internal and patient-focused justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) purposes. Participants will gain confidence in advancing health equity with strategies to collect and use demographic data for developing and monitoring health equity plans. More Details...

LGBTQIA+ Glossary of Terms for Health Care Teams (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Becoming familiar with terms used by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and other sexual and gender minorities (LGBTQIA+) can help you provide patients with the highest quality care. In this glossary, you will find terms relevant to the health care and identities of LGBTQIA+ people. More Details...

Health for All – Including those with Disabilities Learning Collaborative (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this 4-part learning collaborative, Dr. Kevin Lombardi MD MPH and the NCHPH research and clinical quality team facilitated a set of interdisciplinary and collective sessions designed to engage with the latest data, clinical/social guidance as well as recommendations from leading providers on how to maximally support individuals with disabilities. More Details...

Health Center Resilience in the Face of Cyber Adversity: A Case Study of the Family Health Center of Worcester's Ransomware Incident, February 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The use of ransomware -- malicious software that restricts access to computer systems with financial demands -- has escalated, targeting health centers and putting countless lives at risk. This dire reality came to the forefront during the alarming ransomware attack on the Family Health Center of Worcester, Inc. (FHCW), where the personal health information and care continuity for thousands of patients were compromised. This resource uses FHCW's experience as a case study to demonstrate the imperative of preparedness and the strength of a community-centered response in ensuring the continuity of healthcare services amidst the ever-growing tide of cyber vulnerabilities. More Details...

Mental Health Needs Affecting Agricultural Workers: Cultivating Mental Health: The Community Health Worker's Role with Agricultural Workers (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: “Boosting Mental Health in Agriculture: The Vital Role of Community Health Workers,” a crucial conversation hosted by MHP Salud. This enlightening session, recorded on January 17th, sheds light on the significant mental health challenges faced by agricultural workers and the empowering role Community Health Workers (CHWs) play in addressing these issues. More Details...

Building Bridges: Health Center Strategies for Maintaining Relationships with Growers, Contractors, and Employers (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NCFH developed this publication to provide strategies, specifically for health centers, for maintaining relationships with growers, contractors, and employers that employ Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Workers (MSAWs). More Details...

Building Relationships with Hospitals (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Attendees for this webinar will learn about the current landscape for America's Essential Hospitals and challenges they are facing in a post-pandemic landscape. Panelists from Cook County Health and Regional One Health will join to share how their hospitals partner with or operate medical respite programs. Strategies for communicating and collaborating with hospital systems to meet the needs of their community will be presented. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit