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Population Health Management Task Force National Learning Series 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This national learning series, sponsored by HRSA, takes a deeper dive into issues related to HIV, Diabetes, and Chronic comorbid disease management, which all impact population health management. More Details...
How to Use Population Health Tools to Stratify Your Population for Care Management (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar demonstrates how to use population health electronic tools to identify patients with chronic illnesses with an obesity (or elevated BMI) comorbidity. Having this information allows health centers to identify the patients who would benefit from care management, additional resources, and care coordination services. More Details...
FQHC Financial Readiness and Projection Tool (2024). Resource Type: Template. Description: his tool is provided to assist community health centers in evaluating their financial readiness for value-based payment models as well as estimates of projected revenues, costs and returns on investment for various alternative payment arrangements. More Details...
E-Consult Trends Across Medicaid Programs and Impact on FQHCs (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NACHC and the Center for Connected Health Policy examine the current state of eConsult Medicaid policies in relation to FQHCs. This paper looks at a sampling of states to examine trends in eConsult policies that allow, exclude or do not specify the policy specific to FQHCs, resulting in reimbursement and telehealth operational implications for health center. More Details...
"Data Disaggregation: Principles, Promising Practices, and Lessons Learned To Advance Health Equity" Report (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report outlines the data disaggregation principles, promising practices, and lessons learned based on an environmental scan and feedback from health center stakeholders in Asian American (AA) and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NH/PI)-serving health centers. More Details...
Increasing Childhood Immunizations for School-Aged Children (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Increasing Childhood Immunizations for School-Aged Children webinar was designed for health center and health center look-alike staff. The webinar aims to increase the audience's knowledge of and capacity to identify strategies to increase the delivery of immunizations, discuss barriers to care, and improving access to care. More Details...
Quality Improvement Fund (QIF) Primary Care Innovation Forum (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This online Forum featured presentations from the first QIF cohort of Optimizing Virtual Care (OVC) health center awardees and special guest speakers, as well as the launch of new Technical Assistance to support health center innovation. Presentations will focus on virtual care strategies using technology and innovation to enhance access to care, clinical quality and coordination, and promote health equity. More Details...
The Health Of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders Served at Health Centers: An Analysis of the 2022 Uniform Data System Report (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report was developed by Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations using the 2022 Uniform Data System data from health centers to examine the current state of health center performance and provides recommendations for how health centers can improve. More Details...
Advancing Equity: Community Health Workers' Role in Enhancing Breast Cancer Screenings and Linkage to Care (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join NNCC to explore breast cancer disparities & their impact on different communities. Discover the crucial role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in bridging gaps & facilitating screenings & care. Learn practical strategies & best practices to implement CHW programs effectively within your practice. Additionally, find out how engaging community partnerships & collaborations can lead to holistic care solutions. Attending gives you valuable insights, actionable strategies, & real-world advice to enhance your approach to breast cancer screenings & care in your health center. More Details...
Clinical Quality Measures 101: Applying This to Practice: Virtual Learning Collaborative (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: As health centers engage with more quality programs through payers, funders, and others there is a pressing need for health center staff to have a foundational understanding of clinical quality measures, quality programs, and how these fit together and fit into the patient care provided in health centers. This learning collaborative is appropriate for health center personnel looking for a simple, foundational understanding of the quality measures and related programs. More Details...
Clinical Workforce Development Fall 2023 Webinar Repository: English and Spanish Versions Available (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The following publications present a summary of the NTTAP Fall 2023 activities and findings from an analysis of activities presenting relevant and pertinent information on clinical workforce development More Details...
Improving Patient Safety in Health Centers Using Technology-Driven PDSA Methods Learning Collaborative: Session 4: Office Hours (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: I this Learning Collaborative, speakers will provide examples of ensuring Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles have staff accountable and responsible for the PDSAs. Also, the session speakers will explain how teams can use technology to capture patient safety data for PDSAs. The participants will share their progress, challenges, and best practices during the learning collaborative sessions. More Details...
Health Center Partnerships to Support Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Early experiences and choices have a profound impact on lifelong health. It is crucial to cultivate healthy habits during childhood and adolescence in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, promote physical and cognitive development, enhance resilience, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However, children and adolescents often encounter obstacles in managing their health and lifestyle choices due to environmental factors, educational and social influences, and limited autonomy. NNCC introduced and discussed tools and resources for health care professionals/CHWs working in health center settings and the community. More Details...
Addressing Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Learning Collaborative (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, despite the availability of high-quality screening options. Multiple barriers to CRC screening have been identified, including cost for the uninsured, younger age, racial or ethnic minorities, recent immigration to the United States (non-English speakers), fear or distrust of the health care system, and rural residence. More Details...
Learning Collaborative: Improving Patient Safety in Health Centers Using Technology-Driven PDSA Methods: Session 3: Tools for Implementing the Path to Improving Patient Safety (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The purpose of this third session of the Learning Collaborative is to enhance health center staff proficiency in employing technology-driven Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to implement patient safety improvements systematically and efficiently. More Details...
Learning Collaborative: Improving Patient Safety in Health Centers Using Technology-Driven PDSA Methods: Session 2: Technology to Monitor Improvements in Patient Safety | Patient-Centered AIM Statements and SMART Goals (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The purpose of this session is to review the importance of establishing AIM statements and the influence of the electronic health record in quality improvement. More Details...
Key Patient Safety Concepts For Health Center Performance Improvement Goals (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides a practical overview of how organization can provide a culture of safety and how that lends to improvement of patient safety. It focuses on health center staff members\' roles and responsibilities; national organizations with patient safety definitions, guidance, and requirements; regulatory expectations to consider-including in health center patient safety programs, and success measures. More Details...
Learning Collaborative: Improving Patient Safety in Health Centers Using Technology-Driven PDSA Methods: Session 1: FOCUS on Using Data to Prioritize Patient Safety Improvements (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This is the first session of a four-part series, which will discuss improving patient safety in health centers using technology-driven Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) methods. This session will FOCUS on using data to prioritize patient safety improvements through identifying technologies that capture measures related to patient safety, prioritizing improvement efforts using FOCUS, and using a prioritization tool to select a PDSA project. More Details...
Quality Improvement Strategies for LTBI Prevention and Care in A/AA and NH/PI-Serving Health Centers: National Clinical Quality Measurement - January 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: AAPCHO and the Tuberculosis Elimination Alliance held a learning collaborative, funded by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Health Resources & Services Administration, in April 2023. More Details...
Learning Collaborative: Introduction to Improving Patient Safety: Session 4: Using Peer Review and Competency Assessments to Improve Patient Safety (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The Renaye James Healthcare Advisors’ Learning Collaborative will cover various aspects of safe patient care, including safety measure/metric identification, data collection, leadership commitment, facility requirements, regulatory requirements, external collaborations, and governance involvement. The content will reinforce how focusing on patient safety by all departments and staff positively impacts patients and the organization. Participants will identify a hypothetical patient safety event that could occur at their health center and will be asked to draft a plan for investigation and response. More Details...
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit HRSA.gov.