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Displaying records 1 through 20 of 74 found.

Vaccine in Dental Clinics Job Instruction Sheet (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: NNOHA has worked with health center dental leaders who are engaged in delivering COVID-19 vaccines to develop this Job Instruction resource for dental providers. More Details...

Using Teledentistry to Improve Prenatal Care (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication describes how the University of California, Irvine Family Health Center provides synchronous teledentistry services to pregnant patients. More Details...

Using Teledentistry to Ensure Continuity of Care during COVID-19: Promising Practice (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice shares how Petaluma Health Center in California used teledentistry to ensure continuity of care during the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication is translated from English to Spanish. More Details...

User's Guide for the Implementation of In-House Dental Assistant Training Programs (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This new publication describes strategies for community health centers to implement their dental assistant training programs. These programs can help enhance dental assistant recruitment and retention. They can also build community capacity by increasing the dental assistant workforce. More Details...

User's Guide for Integration of Behavioral Health and Oral Health (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides guidance on how to implement a behavioral health and oral health integration program. The User's Guide includes a description of NNOHA's systems-based framework for behavioral health integration, promising practices from community health centers, and workflow examples. There is also a readiness assessment to help community health centers determine their level of preparedness to implement a behavioral health integration program. More Details...

Update on the HRSA UDS Sealant Measure - December 2018 (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In 2015, HRSA introduced the first oral health clinical quality measure to the UDS, with the UDS Sealants Measure. This session will highlight the 2017 UDS data results for the dental sealants measure. Topics to be included: common challenges health centers have experienced in developing, modifying, and/or implementing clinical workflows and procedures to report on the measure. Best practices and work-arounds to address data collection and reporting challenges will be shared for those health centers that are not yet using the EDR vendor-developed solutions for reporting on the measure. More Details...

UDS Sealant Measure FAQ (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the HRSA UDS Sealant Measure for children ages 6-9 for dental caries. Developed in consultation with oral health specialists and HRSA staff. More Details...

Think Yes to Care: Customer Service Training (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This customer service training model and related materials will allow providers to standardize the service they provide to clients, community partners, and each other. This model was created in 2016, and was adapted from the Multnomah County Library Think Yes! Customer Service Initiative. More Details...

The Role of Dental Providers in Vaccine Delivery and Policy Recommendations (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This NNOHA publication describes COVID-19 vaccine delivery strategies developed by health centers in states across the country who are utilizing dental providers for vaccine administration. It also highlights policy opportunities to consider for the future that support medical/dental integration and whole-person care in health centers. More Details...

The Role of Dental Providers in Vaccine Delivery (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This NEW NNOHA publication describes COVID-19 vaccine delivery strategies developed by health centers in states across the country that are utilizing dental providers for vaccine administration. It also highlights policy opportunities to consider for the future that support medical/dental integration and whole-person care in health centers. More Details...

Teledentistry Video Example (2022). Resource Type: Other. Description: This video depicts a condensed live, synchronous teledentistry visit utilizing the six steps of an infant oral care visit. More Details...

Teledentistry User's Guide (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Teledentistry is an emerging trend to  help improve access to oral health care, improve the dental care  delivery system, and lower costs. NNOHA has worked with health centers  since Spring 2020 to develop and test a variety of strategies to deliver  dental services via synchronous teledentistry. This User’s Guide gives  an overview of teledentistry, describes its use in health center dental  programs, and includes practical tools for implementing teledentistry. More Details...

Teledentistry Readiness Assessment (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This document outlines key areas for the successful implementation of teledentistry. It also includes a readiness assessment for community health centers to determine the level of readiness in their organization for teledentistry. More Details...

Teledentistry for Substance Use Disorder: Promising Practice (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice shares how Terry Reilly Health Center in Idaho uses teledentistry as a tool to increase access to oral health care for patients experiencing substance use disorder. More Details...

Survey of School-Based Oral Health Programs Operated by Health Centers (2014). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This paper presents the results of a national online surveys of Health Centers that NNOHA conducted in June 2013 to obtain information about school-based oral health programs located in school-based health centers. More Details...

Quality Improvement Starter Kit (2020). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This resource, developed by AFL Enterprises, includes virtual training resources that can be used to share quality improvement techniques and practices more widely within your health center. More Details...

Promising Practice: Teledentistry by Finger Lakes Community Health (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication, in Spanish, shares out Finger Lakes Community Health uses Teledentistry to increase access to care. The promising practice shares how they implemented teledentistry and lessons learned. More Details...

Promising Practice: Ohio Hills Dental Program Redesign (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Ohio Hills Health Services is a FQHC in Eastern Ohio. In 2014, Ohio Hills underwent a comprehensive evaluation of its dental program. They were given a dental performance improvement plan. This promising practice outlines their dental program redesign and lessons learned. More Details...

Promising Practice: Behavioral and Oral Health Integration: Promising Practice (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Centers of South Central Texas integrated oral health and behavioral health. The partnership between the dental department and behavioral health consultants has improved the quality of health care and increased access to care. This promising practice shares Community Health Centers of South Central Texas’ strategies for integrating the two disciplines. More Details...

Payment Innovation and Health Center Dental Programs: Case Studies from Three States (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As dental care reimbursement follows the trends of healthcare overall towards value-based payment reimbursement, lessons from pioneers in dental payment innovation will inform effective health center strategies that will both strengthen the dental safety network and improve the oral health of the communities they serve. This document outlines interviews from organizations in three states on how health center dental programs are adapting clinical care systems under payment innovation incentives. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit