Workforce Learning Bundle: Learn More About Successful Outcome-Based Workforce Development
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Displaying records 161 through 180 of 225 found.

Promoting CDC Tips® Campaign Materials to Public Housing Residents (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Public housing residents are more likely to smoke and suffer from health conditions that are exacerbated by smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. The objectives of this study were to educate health care providers on the CDC Tips® From Former Smokers resources, to increase access to smoking cessation materials for public housing residents and the health care providers that serve them, and to evaluate the pilot project. More Details...

Hepatitis B and the Opioid Epidemic: Opportunities to Increase Adult Vaccination: Webinar Resources (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar focuses on strategies to prevent and eliminate hepatitis B as a U.S. public health threat, particularly among special and vulnerable populations impacted by the opioid epidemic. To access the slides and recording, follow the link provided More Details...

Addressing Childhood Obesity in Health Centers: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned: January 2019 (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The HITEQ Center interviewed ten health centers and health center partners to identify solutions and promising practices for addressing childhood obesity across the health center program. The focus included how health centers are meeting the Uniform Data System UDS measure and how they are taking further steps to identify and intervene with those at risk of obesity leveraging health information technology, electronic health records, and the data they have. Seven key areas are identified in the resulting issue brief. In the Fall of 2018, the HITEQ Center interviewed ten health centers and health center partners to identify solutions and promising practices for addressing childhood obesity across the health center program. The focus included how health centers are meeting the Uniform Data System UDS measure, Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents CMS155v6, and how they are taking further steps to identify and intervene with those at risk of obesity by leveraging health information technology, electronic health records, and resulting data. Seven key areas of improvement from interviews are identified in the resulting issue brief: Key 1. Embed Needed Data Capture in Workflow Key 2. Implement Successful Monitoring to Support Decision Making Key 3. Understand the Evidence Base Key 4. Identify Key Data and Metrics Key 5. Target Interventions Appropriately Key 6. Consider Alternative Appointment Types and Locations Key 7. Create Comprehensive, Accessible Interventions Download the issue brief below to see health center examples, related research, and health IT tools for each of these keys. More Details...

HUD Policy Brief for Health Centers - Data Matching with Housing Community: Understanding the Role and Impact of Housing Policy for Health Centers (Data Matching) (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Health centers and housing providers are serving the same clients, and HUD policies foster opportunities for partners to effectively share data target and improve Health Outcomes. This series translates federal housing policies to help health centers understand the impact and how to coordinate and adapt programming to create the most beneficial outcomes for clients. More Details...

Addressing Violence in Public Housing Communities: Case Examples of Violence Prevention and Intervention Strategies from Public Housing Primary Care Grantees (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The purpose of this report is to provide Health Centers located in or immediately accessible to public housing with best practices and examples of violence prevention and intervention programs that can be implemented in their communities. NCHPH conducted background research on violence and crime statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation Uniform Crime Reporting Program, interviewed four Health Center staff, and analyzed the interviews to identify overlapping themes, lessons learned, and successful strategies used to address and prevent violence. More Details...

Community Health Workers & Hypertension and Heart Health Interventions (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Community Health Workers & Hypertension and Heart Health Interventions: A Resource for Program Managers and Administrators is a resource for Community Health Worker program managers and administrators. It explains how Community Health Worker-led intervention programs can positively impact patients who have hypertension. About 75 million American adults (1 in every 3) have high blood pressure. Although high blood pressure can be easily detected and can be controlled with lifestyle changes and medication, almost a third of individuals with hypertension don’t know they have it, and only about half have it under control. Due to their close understanding of and trust from the communities they serve, CHWs can be particularly strong champions for patients with hypertension and/or at risk of heart disease. More Details...

Increasing Access To Care thorugh Tele-Dentistry: Promising Practice (2018). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Teledentistry is an emerging trend among health centers to expand access to dental care. This promising practice will discuss the story of Ravenswood Family Health Center in California and their use of the virtual dental home model. More Details...

Treating Global Health At Your Doorstep Starts with a Good Patient History: The most potent, cost-effective, and accurate diagnostic tool that we have even in our advanced age of technology remains an accurate and comprehensive linguistically and culturally appropriate patient history. (2018). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Technology is a vital part of our society. It has been critical in the advancement of medicine; however, in some cases there is an overdependence by clinicians on diagnostic technology which may impede a fuller understanding of the circumstances of patients in the exam room. The most potent, cost-effective, and accurate diagnostic tool that we have even in our advanced age of technology remains an accurate and comprehensive linguistically and culturally appropriate patient history. In this webinar, Dr. Ed Zuroweste and Dr. Laszlo Madaras, who collectively have over 50 years of practice in primary care, ask the question, “Has it become so normal to ask for tests for the most basic assessments that part of the art of medicine is being lost?” The presenters will explore the value of taking a culturally and linguistically appropriate history from the patient together with a thorough – and focused – physical exam. Spending a few minutes with the patient asking open-ended questions may save time and money by: getting the correct diagnosis and treatment plan; preventing expensive, unnecessary, and potentially harmful tests; reducing the number of specialists who may not need to see the patient; and even possibly improving patient satisfaction. The session will look at the impact of global health conditions on primary care practice in the United States and describe what primary care clinics can do to more systematically prepare for emerging diseases. At the conclusion of the webinar, participants will be able to: More Details...

Improving Diabetes Outcomes: Curated Expert Guidance, Tools, and Resources (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: According to 2016 UDS data, an estimated 14.3% of Federally Qualified Health Center patients nationwide have diabetes. Of these 2 million plus patients living with diabetes, approximately 32% have uncontrolled diabetes, with HbA1c equal to or above 9% or have had no test in the prior year. These statistics bring forth the need for improvement in the care of diabetes; several resources and research outcomes are profiled here with specific takeaways for health centers. As of CDC's 2017 National Diabetes Statistics Report, 30.3 million people, or 9.4% of the total U.S. population, have diabetes. Of these 30.3 million, only 23.1 million are diagnosed - while the other estimated 7.2 million are undiagnosed. Additionally, more than 1 in 3 adults or 84.1 million people in the U.S. have prediabetes. Among adults age 65 and older, nearly half have prediabetes. More Details...

Growing Our Own: Cultivating the Next Generation of Primary Care Physicians in Community Health Centers (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: It is critical to advance policies and programs that help community health centers (CHCs) become Educational Health Centers (EHCs)2 and “grow their own” primary care training opportunities. This paper explores several pathways for promoting CHCs as teaching environments - enhanced partnerships between Academic Medical Centers (AMCs) and CHCs (with either the AMC or the CHC as the sponsoring institution3), and CHCs participating in HRSA Teaching Health Center (THC) funding opportunities (with sponsorship either by the CHC alone or by a consortium body) - and posits a spectrum of options and costs associated with each of these pathways to train medical residents. More Details...

Employing Dental Therapists in an FQHC: A NNOHA Promising Practice (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice tells the story of a community health center in Minnesota who hired dental therapists to increase access to their dental services. More Details...

Increasing Oral Health Access through Clinic Expansion: Promising Practice (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice describes key points and lessons learned when a large community health center expanded dental services into a new area. More Details...

Literature Review: Resources for Building Health and Housing Partnerships: Abstracts of Health and Housing Partnership Literature (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Searching for data to support fundraising or new program development? This Literature Review provides robust summary of articles and studies supporting SDOH and health and housing partnerships. More Details...

Increasing Access To Care Through Contracting for Dental Services: Promising Practice (2017). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice describes how a community health center in Wisconsin utilized contracting with local dentists to expand dental services at the health center. More Details...

Strategic Guidance for Health and Housing Partnerships: Step by Step Strategies for Health and Housing Partnerships (2015). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This indepth resource guide explores the importance and value of partnering with supportive housing providers, partner perspectives and goals, how to assess your organization's and your partner organization's readiness, and how to make partnerships last. More Details...

Who Are Frequent Users in Health and Housing Systems?: A Closer Look at Definitions Used by Communities to Identify the People Cycling Through the Crisis Care Systems (2015). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Are frequent users costing your crisis care systems and not producing positive houtcomes? Is your community looking at how to identify the frequent users across multiple crisis care systems in an effort to deliver more effective services and save resources? This webinar highlights how various communities develop the criteria to define 'frequent user' across the systems of care and how to match data to identify those individuals. More Details...

In Language Resource Evaluation Toolkit (2015). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit is designed to help health centers assess and design health education materials and communications that will be respectful and responsive to a patient's health beliefs, practices, and cultural and linguistic needs. This toolkit includes an evaluation process individuals can use when assessing the appropriateness of non-English health education materials for limited-English populations, criteria to consider when selecting reviewers, and a score card to help reviewers evaluate and rate materials. More Details...

A User’s Guide for Implementation of Interprofessional Oral Health Core Clinical Competencies: Results of a Pilot Project: Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice (2015). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This user's guide provides strategies for health centers to implement the oral health core clinical competencies for integration of oral health and primary care practice. The guide includes promising practices from health centers that piloted the implementation fo the core clinical competencies. More Details...

Survey of School-Based Oral Health Programs Operated by Health Centers (2014). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This paper presents the results of a national online surveys of Health Centers that NNOHA conducted in June 2013 to obtain information about school-based oral health programs located in school-based health centers. More Details...

Benefits of Oral HIV Testing in the Dental Chair: Promising Practice (2012). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This promising practice describes how the Columbia College of Dental Medicine in New York developed an iniative to conduct HIV testing in the dental clinic. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit