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Supporting Survivors of Violence and Abuse in Oral Health Care Settings: A Patient Brochure and Guide for Staff (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Oral health care staff and providers have an opportunity to work on both systems and practice change to help community members access care and have comfortable visits, including for survivors of violence and abuse. Staff can routinely share information with their patients on violence and abuse, and connect patients to supportive community programs, national hotlines, and onsite advocacy. Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, in collaboration with the National Network for Oral Health Access (NNOHA), developed two trauma-informed resources: An oral health team member fact sheet on providing inclusive and sensitive care to patients. A brochure for patients, focusing on those who have experienced or are experiencing violence to help them have better visits and access to safety support. More Details...

Using Community Referral Technology Platforms to Safely Connect Health Center Patients with Community-based Domestic Violence Services (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This memo provides recommendations for health center (HC) staff as they implement, tailor, and use electronic tools to connect their patients to community-based domestic violence (DV) and human trafficking (HT) services, including how to protect patient/survivor confidentiality. HCs increasingly play an important role in addressing the health-related social needs of their patients, including housing, food insecurity, and domestic violence. Today, referrals are often facilitated through online platforms, sometimes known as community referral networks or community referral technology platforms, to assist providers in connecting patients with necessary services and providing a mechanism for follow-up. However, concerns about privacy and confidentiality exist, particularly regarding sensitive health information such as experiences of violence. This memo addresses key questions and considerations for HC staff, emphasizing survivors’ rights and control over their health information. More Details...

Partnerships Between Health Centers and Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy Programs (Bi-directional Infographic) (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: As health center staff are more likely to initiate conversations on IPV/HT/E with their patients after learning about domestic violence advocates and the range of services offered by their DV programs, these HC/DVP partnerships are critical to promote safety and health outcomes for patients, as well as staff, through bi-directional warm referrals. This infographic illustrates the benefits resulting from these partnerships and referrals and offers links to the sample MOU and other supportive resources to promote new and expand on current collaborative efforts. More Details...

Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and Human Trafficking: Health Center Preparedness Before, During, and After Emergencies (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Developed in collaboration with Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) and Health Partners on IPV and Exploitation, this educational brief focuses on equipping health centers (HCs) with the necessary tools and knowledge to support Asian Americans (AA) and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islander (NH/PI) survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Human Trafficking (HT) during natural disasters and public health emergencies (emergencies). Structural barriers, language access, and lack of culturally responsive organizations often leave these survivors vulnerable. This educational brief provides insights and strategies for HCs to prepare and respond to support AA & NH/PI survivors. More Details...

Gender-Affirming Care video (2023). Resource Type: Micro-Learning. Description: A survivor shares their experiences with healthcare providers around accessing health care as someone identifies as nonbinary. They offer recommendations for improving gender-affirming care in clinical practice and better meeting the unique needs of survivors and patients. More Details...

Intimate Partner Violence, Homelessness, and Behavioral Health: A Toolkit for Health Centers (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Developed in collaboration with the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, the following toolkit is intended to assist health centers and community-based programs in addressing the intersection of IPV and homelessness in four domains: Foundations of intersectional practice Provider self- and team-care Guidance on clinical conversations Community partnerships More Details...

Quality Assessment / Quality Improvement Tool (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This Quality Assessment/Quality Improvement (QA/QI) tool is intended to provide community health centers with guiding questions to assess quality of care related to promotion of healthy relationships and intervention related to intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT), and exploitation (E) within their health care delivery. The information is to be used as a benchmark for each health center to engage in ongoing quality improvement efforts. More Details...

Increasing Capacity to Address Health, Justice, & Equity Through Partnerships: A Guide to Help Health Centers, Domestic Violence Programs, & Civil Legal Aid Organizations Address & Prevent Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking, & Exploitation (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Supporting the millions of survivors of domestic/intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT), and exploitation (E), requires an intentional and immediate shift away from professional silos and towards multidisclipinary, collaborative health, justice, and equity approaches. Through partnerships, health centers, domestic violence (DV) programs or agencies, and civil legal aid organizations can more effectively leverage their respective skill sets to close access gaps by addressing survivors’ myriad health and social needs, eliminate the risk factors through prevention programs, and improve overall outcomes for individuals and communities. Given their disproportionate share of patients or clients who are survivors, this guide provides select tools and resources for the following key partners and allies: HEALTH CENTERS | To promote collaboration with DV programs and civil legal aid organizations, and help establish medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) DV PROGRAMS | To promote collaboration with HCs/civil legal programs CIVIL LEGAL AID ORGANIZATIONS | To promote collaboration with HCs/DV programs/establish MLPs ESTABLISHED MLPS | To promote DV/HT/E as issues they can address, intersectional with other I-HELP areas of work More Details...

Increasing Health Care Enrollment for Survivors of Domestic Violence (2022). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: People who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) have unique health care needs, making insurance that covers comprehensive medical and behavioral health benefits all the more critical. Community health centers play an important role in helping survivors enroll in coverage and receive quality primary health and oral health care services. A special enrollment period for survivors makes enrollment possible across the year with additional provisions to make coverage more affordable for survivors. Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation developed two resources to support health care enrollment for survivors of domestic violence. More Details...

Healing Centered Approaches to Screen and Intervene for Social Determinants of Health Including Intimate Partner Violence (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Many health centers have systems that maintain SDOH screening tools or have related policies in place, some of which touch on IPV. Our newly developed tool complements these other SDOH screens/policies by offering guidance on our evidence-informed CUES model and how to couple IPV universal education (UE) before any screening is conducted. This paper provides guidance on using the CUES model for addressing social determinants of health in health centers. More Details...

Supporting Patients Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence: Opportunities for Oral Health Providers (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar identifies strategies that can promote health and safety outcomes for patients and their children. Oral health providers play an important role in supporting survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). More Details...

Privacy Principles for Protecting Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Exploitation and Human Trafficking in Healthcare Settings (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Included here are guiding principles that should be applied by healthcare providers, administrators, policy makers and developers when designing, building, utilizing or regulating health information systems that will hold or exchange sensitive health information. More Details...

LGBTQIA+ Youth and Experiences of Human Trafficking: A Healing-Centered Approach (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This toolkit was developed in partnership with the National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center and is intended to increase health centers’ awareness of and responsiveness to  LGBTQIA+ youth experiencing human trafficking. The primary focus on LGBTQIA+ youth engaged in the sex trade, including forced, coerced, and voluntary sex work and survival sex; however, LGBTQIA+ youth may also experience other forms of labor exploitation. More Details...

Protocol for HRSA-supported Community Health Centers to Engage Patients through Universal Education Approaches on Exploitation (E), Human Trafficking (HT), Domestic Violence (DV) and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)/Protocolo para los Centros de Salud Comunitarios para Atender a Pacientes a través de enfoques de Educación Universal sobre la Explotación (E), el Tráfico Humano (TH), la Violencia Doméstica (VD) y la Violencia de Pareja Íntima (VPI) (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The protocol purpose is to prevent exploitation, human trafficking, domestic violence, and intimate partner violence by helping patients have healthy relationships and promote their health as workers. The protocol will enable the health center to provide trauma-informed, survivor-centered care; intervention with clinical and case management services; and formalized ways to connect patients with community-based services that provide resources for domestic violence, employment assistance, housing, food, civil legal aid, and other basic needs. More Details...

Ryan White Funding Opportunities for Community Health Centers (2021). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: This special episode is co-sponsored by Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation and is a part of the Expanding the Continuum podcast series that explores the intersections of HIV and intimate partner violence (by Futures Without Violence and the National Network to End Domestic Violence). In this episode that targets a health center and Ryan White program audience, hear luminaries in the field discuss the implications of a health sector response to HIV and forms of intimate and patriarchal violence. Tune in to hear Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation’s, Surabhi Kukke talk with Dr. Dana Hines, a national expert on the intersections of HIV and IPV, about the ways that the HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau creates opportunities through the Ryan White Program for health centers and other grantees to address and prevent domestic and sexual violence. (25 minutes in English) More Details...

Farmworker Tool: Safety Card Tool (2021). Resource Type: Patient Material . Description: Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, a project of Futures Without Violence, and Alianza Nacional de Campesinas developed a new safety card tool for farmworkers and for the professionals who work with them, on intimate partner violence, health care access, and relationship support. The tool, No Estás Sola: SALUD, SANACIÓN Y RELACIONES SALUDABLES (English translation — “You’re Not Alone: HEALTH, HEALING, AND HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS”) provides information on healthy and unhealthy relationships, their impact on health, and national resources for support.  The safety card tool is part of Futures Without Violence’s evidence-based CUES intervention. More Details...

Memorandum of Understanding Template / Memorándum de Entendimiento o Acuerdo Colaborativo: A Partnership-Building Resource for Community Health Centers and Domestic Violence Programs (2021). Resource Type: Template. Description: The purpose of this model Memorandum of Understanding is to provide a model that contains best practices for building and sustaining health center and domestic violence program partnerships. More Details...

Increasing Staff Capacity to Respond to Intimate Partner Violence/Human Trafficking During COVID-19 (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar offers a combination of self-care and organizational practice strategies to help prevent provider burn out and bolster staff readiness for implementing CUES, as well as trauma-informed and healing-centered practices. More Details...

Intimate Partner Violence/Human Trafficking: Building Partnerships Between Community Health Centers And Domestic Violence Advocacy Programs (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar will feature the critical role of domestic violence advocacy programs in supporting patients on intimate partner violence/human trafficking (IPV/HT) and how to build meaningful collaborations including initiating Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and bidirectional warm referrals. More Details...

Prevent, Assess, and Respond: A Domestic Violence Toolkit for Health Centers & Domestic Violence Programs (2019). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This toolkit can help build a comprehensive and sustainable response to domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) in partnership with DV/SA advocacy programs (social service organizations) to improve how your health center identifies and responds to DV/SA and promotes prevention, and develop proactive partnerships with local DV/SA advocacy programs to address the health needs of patients and connect them to health centers for care. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit