Cybersecurity Learning Bundle
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Population Health Management Task Force National Learning Series 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This national learning series, sponsored by HRSA, takes a deeper dive into issues related to HIV, Diabetes, and Chronic comorbid disease management, which all impact population health management. More Details...

Advancing Equity: Community Health Workers' Role in Enhancing Breast Cancer Screenings and Linkage to Care (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join NNCC to explore breast cancer disparities & their impact on different communities. Discover the crucial role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in bridging gaps & facilitating screenings & care. Learn practical strategies & best practices to implement CHW programs effectively within your practice. Additionally, find out how engaging community partnerships & collaborations can lead to holistic care solutions. Attending gives you valuable insights, actionable strategies, & real-world advice to enhance your approach to breast cancer screenings & care in your health center. More Details...

Health Center Partnerships to Support Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Early experiences and choices have a profound impact on lifelong health. It is crucial to cultivate healthy habits during childhood and adolescence in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, promote physical and cognitive development, enhance resilience, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However, children and adolescents often encounter obstacles in managing their health and lifestyle choices due to environmental factors, educational and social influences, and limited autonomy. NNCC introduced and discussed tools and resources for health care professionals/CHWs working in health center settings and the community. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Four (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Session 4 or 4 delves into various quality improvement techniques. Participants learned how to apply the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle effectively to bring about meaningful change within their healthcare settings. Practical tools and real-world examples guided participants in identifying areas for improvement and implementing evidence-based strategies. More Details...

Preparedness for Emergencies and Environmental Impacts on Health of Public Housing Residents - Webinar Series: Session 2 (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: The health community recognizes the climate crisis as an existential threat to humanity and human health, requiring immediate and effective action across all sectors. Health centers are the first point of contact intended to provide comprehensive and coordinated health services and contribute to both climate change adaptation and mitigation via preventive health measures and integrated health services. This webinar series, presented by NNCC and NCHPH, will explore health hazard exposures and their impacts on the health of vulnerable populations. They will identify adaptation strategies to counteract the effects of climate change on high-risk populations. More Details...

Preparedness for Emergencies and Environmental Impacts on Health of Public Housing Residents - Webinar Series: Session 1 (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: The health community recognizes the climate crisis as an existential threat to humanity and human health, requiring immediate and effective action across all sectors. Health centers are the first point of contact intended to provide comprehensive and coordinated health services and contribute to both climate change adaptation and mitigation via preventive health measures and integrated health services. This webinar series, presented by NNCC and NCHPH, will explore health hazard exposures and their impacts on the health of vulnerable populations. They will identify adaptation strategies to counteract the effects of climate change on high-risk populations. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Three (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: Integrating behavioral health services into primary care requires effective financial planning and re-conceptualization of determining ROI. Session 3 of 4 focuses on enhanced billing practices tailored to integrated healthcare models and on determining the contribution of integrated BH to the finances of the primary care setting or the health system as a whole. More Details...

Enhancing Healthcare Access for Special Populations Through Telehealth and Home Visitation Services: Part Two (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Hosted by the National Nurse-led Care Consortium and the National Center for Health in Public Housing, this 2-part webinar series discussed promising practices in home visitation and telehealth as ways to support improved access to comprehensive primary care for communities with high levels of disability and isolation, lack of adequate transportation, and other social drivers of health that contribute to health inequities, particularly residents of public housing. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Two (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: Session two focused on enhancing understanding of integrated care models and aspects of gaining leadership support for successful implementation. Leadership endorsement is critical for the successful implementation of integrated care methods. Participants engaged in discussions centered around strategies to gain leadership buy-in. Case analyses and group exercises empowered attendees to identify key motivators for leaders and tailor their approach to effectively communicate the benefits of integrated care, thereby securing the necessary support. More Details...

Enhancing Healthcare Access for Special Populations Through Telehealth and Home Visitation Services: Part One (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: The first session took place on November 7. We examined how home visitation can be integrated into the provider panel to expand access for aging and disabled patients residing in public housing. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part One (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Integrated healthcare is a unique way to detect and address the broad spectrum of psychological, biological, and social needs among primary care patients. In part one of this learning collaborative, participants explored different levels of engagement and examined this framework of collaboration and the different levels of integration; we also learned about key strategies for successfully implementing integrated health care in your healthcare setting. Participants were introduced to the framework for patient and family engagement and reviewed an organizational assessment to gauge where action can be taken. More Details...

FAQ: How can health centers comply with both 42 CFR Part 2 and the Information Blocking Rule?: July 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: What are the HIPAA guidelines related to PHI and PII? What is 42 CFR Part 2? What is the Information Blocking Rule? How can my health center comply with both 42 CFR Part 2 and the Information Blocking Rule? How can my health center safeguard EHI on the patient portal following 42 CFR Part 2? How can I find out if 42 CFR Part 2 applies to my health center? Where can I find sample Information Blocking policies, procedures, and templates? More Details...

CHW Certification, Opportunities and Readiness for Employment (CORE) self-paced training (2023). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: The purpose of this training program is to increase the number of Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Health Support Workers in Pennsylvania and New Castle County in Delaware. With online training and placement at a trusted community health organization, this training program will equip participants with the skill set to provide effective community outreach, build trust, and act as a bridge between their communities and health service providers. More Details...

Stratifying Quality Measures by Housing Status and Location (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: In this training, we learned how to impact communities meaningfully by utilizing data to improve screening, care quality, and health outcomes. NNCC and the Primary Care Development Corporation partnered to conduct a webinar that guided health centers serving public housing residents and other special groups on using UDS data for QI, care coordination, and care model design. More Details...

Community Health Worker (CHW) Workforce Development: Methodologies for CHW Use in Addressing the SDOH in Vulnerable Populations (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, Dr. Kevin Lombardi from NCHPH, Jason Amirhadji from HUD and our FQHC partners at Albion Community Health Centers discussed the frameworks, methodologies and promising practices that guide efficient, effective and person-centered care using CHWs. More Details...

Partnering with Academic Institutions to Develop Service Learning Porgrams: Strategies for Community Health Centers (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication updates NNOHA\'s previous white paper on academic partnerships. Partnerships between academic institutions and community health centers can be a useful strategy to enhance the recruitment and retention of oral health professionals. This publication includes strategies, recommendations, and promising practices from community health centers across the country. More Details...

User's Guide for Integration of Behavioral Health and Oral Health (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This publication provides guidance on how to implement a behavioral health and oral health integration program. The User's Guide includes a description of NNOHA's systems-based framework for behavioral health integration, promising practices from community health centers, and workflow examples. There is also a readiness assessment to help community health centers determine their level of preparedness to implement a behavioral health integration program. More Details...

Sensitive Information and the Electronic Patient Record: HITEQ Center, June 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: With nearly 100% of community health centers utilizing electronic health records (EHR) to care for patients, focus has pivoted from implementation and new workflow development to enhancement in order to drive value and reflect patient needs and population trends. EHR technology presents potential opportunities and significant constraints. Providers frequently document and share potentially sensitive information in the EHR, such as risk for intimate partner violence (IPV), consistent offers of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), or patient sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). More Details...

STAR2 Center Health Professions Education and Training Financial Impact Assessment Tool (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: The STAR² Center Health Professions Education and Training Financial Impact Assessment Tool is designed to help you understand how a health professions training and education (HP-ET) program can financially affect your health center, including estimating impact to staff development and satisfaction, which can be harder to calculate using discreet figures. More Details...

User's Guide for the Implementation of In-House Dental Assistant Training Programs (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This new publication describes strategies for community health centers to implement their dental assistant training programs. These programs can help enhance dental assistant recruitment and retention. They can also build community capacity by increasing the dental assistant workforce. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit