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Displaying records 41 through 60 of 64 found.

Expanding Diabetes Prevention and Management Through Health Center Outreach (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this training hosted by the National Center for Health in Public Housing, we addressed diabetes resources for CHWs, explained the roles and competencies of CHWs in diabetes prevention with an emphasis on nutrition, physical activity programs and other lifestyle interventions, and how CHWs can help patients with diabetes crack food insecurity and other social determinants of health through community resources. More Details...

Health Center Toolkit Webinar Series Part 4: Creating screening, referral and service delivery workflow for an MLP (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this session, we heard from three panelists: Lara Cartwright Smith from the George Washington University, Jess Holmes from St.Louis Integrated Health Network, and Paul Sorenson from St.Louis Regional Data Alliance. Panelists discussed ways of overcoming barriers to MLP integration by sharing successful models of information sharing from the field between health care and social services. The session was followed by a brief Q&A with the speakers. More Details...

Laying the Foundation for Lawyers on the Health Center Team Part III: Advancing workforce goals for health center and legal services staff (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership is launching a 5-part Webinar Series to disseminate the Health Center Guide toolkit that provides the health center community with information and resources to start, strengthen, and sustain a medical-legal partnership. The toolkit will help health centers to 1) have the important conversations to plan for a MLP’s long term success; 2) understand the specifics on developing screening, referral, and service delivery workflows for a MLP; 3) to look at how integrating legal services can support health center workforce development; and 4) move upstream to address social determinants of health and health equity at a policy level. More Details...

Key Considerations in Planning Your Facility for Integrated, Comprehensive Care (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar provides an overview of the most important factors to consider when planning a facility that will accommodate various types of integrated care. Participants will learn the guiding principles for place planning and tools for responding to common facility challenges as they create an environment that supports their integrated model of care delivery. More Details...

Key Considerations in Planning Your Facility for Integrated, Comprehensive Care (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar provides an overview of the most important factors to consider when planning a facility that will accommodate various types of integrated care. More Details...

Diabetes Continuum of Care: Impact of Health Literacy on Patients’ Diabetes Management and Self-Care (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: NCHPH partnered with members of the Special and Vulnerable Population Diabetes Task Force to provide a Learning Collaborative (LC) addressing critical issues to improve diabetes control in health centers nationally. More Details...

Laying the Foundation for Lawyers on the Health Center Team Part II: Funding, MoUs & Sustainability (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership is launching a 5-part Webinar Series to disseminate the Health Center Guide toolkit that provides the health center community with information and resources to start, strengthen, and sustain a medical-legal partnership. The toolkit will help health centers to 1) have the important conversations to plan for a MLP’s long term success; 2) understand the specifics on developing screening, referral, and service delivery workflows for a MLP; 3) to look at how integrating legal services can support health center workforce development; and 4) move upstream to address social determinants of health and health equity at a policy level. More Details...

Intimate Partner Violence/Human Trafficking: Building Partnerships Between Community Health Centers And Domestic Violence Advocacy Programs (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar will feature the critical role of domestic violence advocacy programs in supporting patients on intimate partner violence/human trafficking (IPV/HT) and how to build meaningful collaborations including initiating Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and bidirectional warm referrals. More Details...

Webinar: Laying the Foundation for Lawyers on the Health Center Team Part I: SDOH Needs and Legal Staffing (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: As part of our work as an HRSA-funded National Training and Technical Assistance Partner (NTTAP), the National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership published a toolkit that provides the health center community with information and resources on how to integrate patient-centered lawyers as part of the health care team. Learnings from the toolkit were unpacked in a 5-part webinar series. More Details...

Bringing lawyers onto the health center care team to promote patient & community health: A planning, implementation and practice guide for building and sustaining a health center-based medical-legal partnership (2020). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The toolkit has four parts: 1. Outlines nine conversations that a health center team should have with its legal partners to plan for an MLP’s long-term success and to integrate it into the health center’s operations. 2. Is a deep dive into the specifics of how to develop screening, referral, and service delivery workflows. 3. Looks at how integrating legal services can support health center workforce development, with a particular focus on training. 4. Illustrates the types of projects MLPs can engage in to help your health center move upstream to address SDOH and health equity at a policy level. More Details...

PCA Enabling Services Virtual Summit Podcast Series (2020). Resource Type: Other. Description: The first-ever PCA Enabling Services Virtual Summit and podcast series is co-organized and hosted by the Health Center Association of Nebraska (HCAN) in partnership with Health Outreach Partners (HOP). The seven podcast episodes cover a variety of Enabling Services topics, with a focus towards Primary Care Associations. More Details...

The Road to Trauma-Informed Care in Primary Care (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: During this webinar, we heard from the National Council and Zufall Health Center about this program, lessons learned and resources for Health Centers on how to implement a trauma-informed care program on Trauma-Informed Primary Care: Fostering Resilience and Recovery, to educate health care providers on the importance of trauma-informed approaches and to create a change package for implementation of standardized and scalable trauma-informed care practices in the primary care setting. More Details...

Optimizing Team Resources: Patient/Provider Scheduling and Panel Size (2020). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health centers continue to devote significant resources to the transition to a team-based model of primary care delivery. From defining target outcomes to simplifying scheduling templates to aligning panel size, the participant will learn a replicable process for moving forward with each of their primary care teams through what is often a contentious and divisive operational imperative. More Details...

Team as Treatment - Driving Improvement in Diabetes (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar will share evidence-based models that will provide a framework for health centers to optimize the team in primary care. More Details...

Behavioral Health Staff in Integrated Care Settings: The Vital Role of Collaboration Across Teams: Expand the Impact of Your Care (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Experts in psychology, psychiatry and nursing will share ways in which they effectively utilize their roles at the top of their license to monitor and support high-risk patients. By examining these various roles, experts will address how you can effectively support integration at your health center to improve outcomes. More Details...

Oral Health - Full Partners on the Team (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, experts will discuss the clinical, organizational, data and technical opportunities and challenges to advancing or enhancing your model of oral health in team-based care. More Details...

Growing a Robust Behavioral Health Department (2019). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: One of a health center's most valuable resources is its care provider network. Without a healthy and committed workforce, health centers don’t have sufficient access to meet patient demand for timely appointments or providers with the skill set to treat specific illnesses. In today's healthcare environment, many organizations struggle to build and maintain a provider profile that is diverse, comprehensive, and responsive. This webinar identifies barriers to recruiting and retaining behavioral health providers and strategies and explores common challenges faced by behavioral health leaders in providing clinical supervision and support for their department while balancing patient care and administrative responsibilities. More Details...

Identifying CHWs in Your Health Center (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Reporting of Community Health Workers in Uniform Data Systems has been inconsistent with the anecdotal evidence of the widespread utilization of CHWs in health settings. This infographic created by MHP Salud offers guidance on how to accurately identify and report the work of CHWs. Organizations can use this tool to explore common CHW titles, identify CHW roles and as a reminder of the importance of accurately reporting CHWs in UDS. More Details...

Farmworker Clinical Care Resource (2019). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: A clinical resource for providers caring for farmworkers. More Details...

Community Health Worker Clinical Integration Toolkit (2019). Resource Type: Publication. Description: With a long history of successfully and effectively addressing health disparities, Community Health Workers (CHWs) can fill the gaps in services that many health care organizations experience in reaching underserved populations. For instance, six published studies on CHW interventions on the prevention and management of diabetes have shown significant positive outcomes, including changes in HbA1c levels and improved self-reports of dietary changes. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit