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Displaying records 1 through 20 of 64 found.

Improving Hypertension Management: Applying Standing Orders and the Role of Medical Assistants (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Mary Blankson, Chief Nursing Officer for Community Health Center, Inc. (CHCI), this session will cover how to implement standing orders using CHCI's hypertension guidelines and other national best practices. It will emphasize the key role of Medical Assistants (MAs) and demonstrate how standing orders support broader healthcare initiatives. Participants will gain knowledge on how to apply standing orders for hypertension management in their own health centers to improve patient care and streamline clinical processes. More Details...

Developing Curriculum in Line with Accreditation: Best Practices for Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Postgraduate Training Programs (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented by Charise Corsino, Program Director of CHC's Postgraduate NP Residency Program, and Kerry Bamrick, Executive Director of the Consortium for Advanced Practice Providers, this activity session will explore curriculum development in the lens of accreditation standards. More Details...

Effectively Partnering to Sustain CHWs in CHCs (2024). Resource Type: Archived webinar. Description: This session highlights effective partnerships and approaches to sustain CHWs in Community Health Centers (CHCs) and surrounding communities. Learn how partnerships were formed, how they have been sustained, and lessons learned for sustaining the work of CHWs in Community Health Centers for the future. More Details...

Strengthening NP/PA Residency Programs through Academic, Clinical, & Community Partnerships (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar explores the essential components of successful primary care nurse practitioner/physician associate (NP/PA) residency programs, including program structure and the value of academic, clinical, and community partnerships. Along with experts from CHC, this webinar includes a health center spotlight on successfully implementing a residency program with strong partnerships. By the end, viewers will have a clear understanding of how to build effective, sustainable NP/PA residency programs and enhance clinical workforce development. More Details...

Team-Based Primary Care in Health Centers Book (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: There are many paths to improving health and health care—to making healthcare a universal right, not a privilege. Sharing our knowledge and expertise is one way, and we hope this concise and practical book, Team-Based Primary Care in Health Centers, gives you strategies, tools, and encouragement to do just that! More Details...

Clinical Workforce Development Spring 2024 Webinar Repository: English and Spanish Versions Available (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: The following publications present a summary of the NTTAP Spring 2024 activities and findings from an analysis of activities presenting relevant and pertinent information on clinical workforce development. More Details...

Social and Structural Impacts on Diabetes and Comorbidities Management for AA and NH/PI Populations Learning Series: Module 4: Bridging Community and Clinic to Promote Diabetes Equity in South Asian Communities (2024). Resource Type: Micro-Learning. Description: The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health organizations (AAPCHO) chronic disease management programs, expertise, and national network in the AA and NH/PI community health center space, will feature research, community intervention strategies, and historical context for diabetes and other co-morbidities among AAs and NH/PIs. This self-paced learning series will feature modules that outline various social, political, and structural drivers of health for diabetes and comorbidities management. Modules will include case studies which promote resources, strategies, and interventions to support health center performance improvement and transformation efforts. This is module 4 and was recorded on June 5, 2024. More Details...

Addressing Maternal Health Disparities Utilizing an Advanced Team-Based Care Model (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Expert panelists discussed an advanced model of team-based care that can be used for addressing maternal health disparities. The experts dived into the application of team-based care strategies and the roles within the interdisciplinary team including the primary care provider, certified nurse midwife, registered nurse, behavioral health, and more. More Details...

Integrating Social Risk Factors into Hypertension Care and Prevention: Collaboration with New Jersey Primary Care Association: Primary Care Association (PCA) Training on Advancing Team-Based Care (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Presented to health centers of the New Jersey Primary Care Association, this training explored how social determinants of health affect patient outcomes, focusing on key factors impacting individuals with hypertension, how to utilize the care team to address patients' social needs and use knowledge of social risk factors to create personalized hypertension care plans, and how to assess the impact of integrating social risk factors on hypertension prevention by evaluating approaches for combining medical and dental care. More Details...

Enhancing Access to Comprehensive Care: A Hands-On Guide to Implementing Standing Orders: Activity Session on Standing Orders (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This interactive 60-minute activity session explored the key components of standing orders using CHCI's hypertension standing orders as a model, as well as how to execute the practical implementation of standing orders for effective hypertension management through a step-by-step walkthrough and how to assess understanding and seek clarification through active participation by posing questions during designated discussion segments. More Details...

Increasing Access to Comprehensive Care: The Crucial Role of the Community Health Worker (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us as we explore the crucial role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) and peer navigators within the clinical care team, exploring their impact on increasing access to comprehensive care. Explore case studies, reimbursement models, and the vital contributions of CHWs in improving patient outcomes from addressing social determinants of health and basic needs to fostering patient engagement. Participants will leave with knowledge on enhancing patient care strategies through CHWs and contributing to a skilled, inclusive healthcare workforce. More Details...

Implementing Nurse Practitioner (NP) and NP/Physician Associate (PA) Postgraduate Training Programs: Program Development, Recruitment Strategies, and Accreditation (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us and our peers at Open Door Community Health Centers as we dive into the key elements of successful primary care NP/PA residency programs. Discover program structure, recruitment strategies, bias reduction techniques, and the accreditation process. By the end of this webinar, you\'ll gain insights to implement and sustain effective NP/PA residency programs and enhance your clinical workforce development approach. More Details...

At the Core of Care Podcast (2023). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: This Podcast highlights the consumer experience of patients, families, and communities and the creative efforts of nurses and other partners to better meet their health and healthcare needs through diversity, leadership, and practice innovation. More Details...

El Rol de los Promotores de Salud en la Detección Equitativa del Cáncer de Mama (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Este webinar explora la interseccion entre intervenciones de cancer de mama, determinantes sociales de la salud y la utilizacion de los promotores de salud en contextos de cuidado. Nuestros expertos presentan buenas practicas para apoyar a miembros del equipo de cuidado para aumentar el acceso a servicios de cancer y el compromiso de los pacientes y cuidadores, haciendo énfasis en centros de salud que atienden a residentes de viviendas publicas. More Details...

Community Health Worker (CHW) Workforce Development: Methodologies for CHW Use in Addressing the SDOH in Vulnerable Populations (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, Dr. Kevin Lombardi from NCHPH, Jason Amirhadji from HUD and our FQHC partners at Albion Community Health Centers discussed the frameworks, methodologies and promising practices that guide efficient, effective and person-centered care using CHWs. More Details...

The Changing Landscape of Behavioral Health Care: What is the “new normal” going to look like? (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar discusses the challenges currently facing behavioral health care and at least one strategy for each. Along with these strategies, panelists will go over what integrated behavioral health care is, as well as what actions should be taken going forward to increase access to comprehensive care. More Details...

Eyes on Access: Billing for Vision Services (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This is a continuation of the 2022 vision services webinar series. With a deep dive into billing for vision services, this webinar series addresses how health centers can align their billing procedures for vision services with their existing service lines. More Details...

Implementation of Timely and Effective Transitional Care Management Processes (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us to discuss best practices for integrating daily follow-ups for patients recently hospitalized for health emergencies. Effectively following up with patients is a critical responsibility for integrated care teams. More Details...

Medical Respite Care: The Role of Case Managers, Community Health Workers, and Peers (2023). Resource Type: E-Learning. Description: Case managers, community health workers (CHWs), and peers are often the primary staff responsible for care coordination and implementation of care plans in medical respite. Beyond this, they build relationships and safety for medical respite care clients. This course provides an overview of each role within the medical respite program and recommended best and promising practices for staff within these roles. More Details...

Diabetes Continuum of Care: Intersectional Identities of Health Center Workforce and Patients: Diabetes Special and Vulnerable Population Task Force National Learning Series (2022) - Part 2 of 4 (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This was part 2 of 4 in the 2022 Diabetes Special and Vulnerable Population Task Force National Learning Series. This session was entitled \"Intersectional Identities of Health Center Workforce and Patients\" and featured a guest speaker from Quatt Analysis. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit