Please Complete the 2024 National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment
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Social and Structural Impacts on Diabetes and Comorbidities Management for AA and NH/PI Populations Learning Series: Module 4: Bridging Community and Clinic to Promote Diabetes Equity in South Asian Communities (2024). Resource Type: Micro-Learning. Description: The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health organizations (AAPCHO) chronic disease management programs, expertise, and national network in the AA and NH/PI community health center space, will feature research, community intervention strategies, and historical context for diabetes and other co-morbidities among AAs and NH/PIs. This self-paced learning series will feature modules that outline various social, political, and structural drivers of health for diabetes and comorbidities management. Modules will include case studies which promote resources, strategies, and interventions to support health center performance improvement and transformation efforts. This is module 4 and was recorded on June 5, 2024. More Details...

The Health Of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders Served at Health Centers: An Analysis of the 2022 Uniform Data System Report (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report was developed by Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations using the 2022 Uniform Data System data from health centers to examine the current state of health center performance and provides recommendations for how health centers can improve. More Details...

Quality Improvement Strategies for LTBI Prevention and Care in A/AA and NH/PI-Serving Health Centers: National Clinical Quality Measurement - January 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: AAPCHO and the Tuberculosis Elimination Alliance held a learning collaborative, funded by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Health Resources & Services Administration, in April 2023. More Details...

HRSA UDS Sealant FAQ 2023: Udpated for 2023 Reporting (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the new UDS sealant measure for children between the ages of 6-9 years at risk for dental caries. Developed in consultation with oral health specialists and HRSA staff, the FAQ answers questions asked during NNOHA training and technical assistance sessions and webinars. More Details...

Stratifying Quality Measures by Housing Status and Location (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this training, we learned how to meaningfully impact communities by utilizing data to improve screening, care quality, and health outcomes. NNCC and the Primary Care Development Corporation partnered to conduct a webinar that guided health centers serving public housing residents and other special groups on how to use UDS data for QI, care coordination, and care model design. More Details...

Stratifying Quality Measures by Housing Status and Location (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: In this training, we learned how to impact communities meaningfully by utilizing data to improve screening, care quality, and health outcomes. NNCC and the Primary Care Development Corporation partnered to conduct a webinar that guided health centers serving public housing residents and other special groups on using UDS data for QI, care coordination, and care model design. More Details...

Sensitive Information and the Electronic Patient Record: HITEQ Center, June 2023 (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: With nearly 100% of community health centers utilizing electronic health records (EHR) to care for patients, focus has pivoted from implementation and new workflow development to enhancement in order to drive value and reflect patient needs and population trends. EHR technology presents potential opportunities and significant constraints. Providers frequently document and share potentially sensitive information in the EHR, such as risk for intimate partner violence (IPV), consistent offers of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), or patient sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). More Details...

Clinical Data Elements for UDS eCQMs and their Lookback Timeframes: Useful for EHR transition planning; developed in 2023. (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: Each electronic clinical quality measure (eCQM) is composed of data elements in the EHR or health IT system that are evaluated according to the measure specifications. It is important to identify what data elements need to be transitioned to any new EHR for clinical quality measure continuity and accuracy. This resource identifies clinical data elements in eCQMs that should be considered when transitioning EHRs. These data elements are used in reporting or calculating eCQMs, so their availability or lack thereof in any new EHR system will impact reporting accuracy. More Details...

Work as a Social Driver of Health: How La Casa Family Health Center Identifies Farmworkers (2022). Resource Type: Podcast. Description: What happens when health center care teams know more about a patient’s occupation? This data can be especially important if the patient is an essential worker, as the Health Choice Network, a health center-controlled network based in Miami, and their partners at La Casa Family Health Center in New Mexico, learned during the COVID pandemic when treating a high-risk group of dairy farmworkers. This episode of NACHC’s podcast, Health Centers on the Front Lines, takes us behind the scenes at a health center and its partner network as they change the culture around disclosure of occupation among patients. More Details...

Understanding the Current Social Needs of Health Center Patients (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: NCMLP kicked off its annual Health Center Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) Webinar Series on September 20, 2022. This webinar series, based on the Health Center Toolkit, is designed to provide T/TA for the health center field on the core components of MLP and the advanced application of medical-legal partnership planning, implementation and growth. More Details...

Bright Spots in HIV Screening: Health center examples, developed June 2022 (2022). Resource Type: Publication. Description: Since 2020, health centers have reported the HIV Screening clinical quality measure on Table 6B of the UDS. This measures the portion of medical patients aged 15 through 65 who have at least one HIV test recorded between their 15th and 66th birthday. HITEQ hosted discussions with health centers in fall of 2021 to find out how they have made progress on this particular clinical quality measure. More Details...

Connecting Health and Social Care - The Status of Efforts in CA (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar will highlight efforts of CPCA member organizations to connect patients to social care supports using closed-loop referrals. Presenters will provide an overview of efforts across the state, discuss challenges (and solutions) to implementing referral systems, and provide recommendations for primary care clinics interested in expanding their own referral systems. More Details...

Developing a Postdoctoral Psychology Residency Program in Your Community Health Center (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Two years later, we continue to witness the pandemic’s toll on mental health – and a sustained increased demand for mental health services. Behavioral health care providers who are experienced in integrated care settings are needed now more than ever. Join this webinar to learn how your health center can establish its own postdoctoral clinical psychology residency program. This webinar will address considerations such as program structure, design, curriculum, the supervisor’s role, required resources, and the benefits of sponsoring an in-house formal postdoctoral clinical psychology residency training program. More Details...

Quality Improvement Strategies in a Team-Based Care Environment (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar provides the knowledge and skills for building a quality improvement (QI) infrastructure within team-based care. QI is an organizational strategy that will establish a culture of continuous improvement across departments and improve quality in all domains of performance. Many positions in primary care now require QI training as part of employees\' professional development. More Details...

Financial and Operational Benchmarking Trends and Techniques (2022). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Through an evaluation of multi-year trends and median results, this session will provide a framework for identifying financial strengths and challenges for health center performance improvement as referenced in Capital Link’s just released Federally Qualified Health Centers Financial and Operational Performance Analysis and Rural FQHC Financial and Operational Performance Analysis. More Details...

Rural Federally Qualified Health Centers Financial and Operational Performance Analysis 2017-2020 (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report, prepared by Capital Link with support from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), provides an aggregate financial and operational profile of rural Federally Qualified Health Centers. More Details...

Diabetes Resources for Health Centers Serving Special and Vulnerable Populations (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this webinar, NCHPH hosted a dynamic introduction to the rich collection of resources on diabetes prevention and management for Health Center Programs. More Details...

Understanding and Applying SDOH Screening Data to Address Barriers to Health: Webinar (2021). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Health centers provide high-quality primary and preventive care to diverse populations in special and vulnerable populations in underserved communities. Health centers also provide a host of enabling services – non-clinical services that aim to increase access to health care and improve population health outcomes. The ability to track and evaluate these services is an important tool for health centers to demonstrate their value in addressing patients’ social determinants of health; of equal importance is the ability to make this data actionable in order to address patients’ barriers to access. More Details...

Performance Benchmarking Toolkit for Rural Health Centers: Tracking Data to Improve Financial Performance (2021). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This toolkit provides guidance in applying data analysis tools to help rural health centers more effectively track performance, understand key drivers, and incorporate operational insights for financial sustainability. This resource was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. (Released 2021) More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit